Arwen rushes towards her father, shedding a layer of robes in her urgency - could this be immediately after the shot of Arwen dreaming in one of the first ever trailers?
The look on Arwen's face is of a very real fear
'He is not coming back' Is this a lie on Elrond's behalf to ensure his daughter does not forsake her immortality for Aragorn?
Aragorn gazes from a lofty height onto the last sanctuary of the Rohan people and soon to be the site of an incredible battle - Helm's Deep
A penny for the thoughts of a man who will soon lead an army against a host of ten thousand Orcs
Merry appears to be fleeing from an unseen foe..
..until the large tree trunks either side of him begin to move..
..a huge hand appears..
..wraps its long, gnarly fingers around the Hobbit..
..and plucks him off the ground. Could this be Merry's initial reaction to meeting Treebeard?