Suddenly a huge blast blows away a part of the wall!
Saruman's devilry at work...
The wall erupts...
...killing hundreds of enemy and allies alike.
And then suddenly we cut to some horseback action!
It looks like Legolas shooting arrows at something, but it's really too brief to be sure...
Cut to day-time, Orcs riding on Wargs appear and come speeding down a hill...
when and what can this be? Wargriders heading towards Helms Deep? Or perhaps they are attacking Rohirrim not present at the Battle of Helms Deep...
They are colliding into someone, could this be Aragorn? Remember the picture we saw of him taking on a Wargrider?
Another shot of Frodo in Osgiliath, this time he is attacking someone.. could it be Gollum? And why is he in Osgiliath anyway?