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The Fellowship Is Broken
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A wide shot of the desolate Dead Marshes
From later shots in the trailer, this looks like the battlefield before Helm's Deep.
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Frodo and Sam look out over the impenetrable Emyn Muil
![Click for Larger Version](http://img-nex.theonering.net/movie/preview/images/ttt01_024a.jpg) |
'We're lost...I don't think Gandalf meant for us to come this way...'
![Click for Larger Version](http://img-nex.theonering.net/movie/preview/images/ttt01_025a.jpg) |
'He didn't mean for alot of things to happen Sam'
![Click for Larger Version](http://img-nex.theonering.net/movie/preview/images/ttt01_026a.jpg) |
A very brief glimpse of Gandalf and the Balrog falling down in the Abyss in Moria
![Click for Larger Version](http://img-nex.theonering.net/movie/preview/images/ttt01_027a.jpg) |
'Long I fell, and he fell with me. His fire was about me. I was burned...
(Notice Gandalf is still holding a sword. In FOTR, Gandalf's sword falls into the abyss before he does. Jedi trick?)
![Click for Larger Version](http://img-nex.theonering.net/movie/preview/images/ttt01_028a.jpg) |
..Then we plunged into the deep water and all was dark...
![Click for Larger Version](http://img-nex.theonering.net/movie/preview/images/ttt01_029a.jpg) |
..Cold it was as the tide of death: almost it froze my heart.'
![Click for Larger Version](http://img-nex.theonering.net/movie/preview/images/ttt01_030a.jpg) |
Notice the calm look in Gandalf's eyes