A sudden flash of white light: we see Gandalf the White revealing himself to Aragorn, Legolas and Gimli in Fangorn Forest
'It cannot be!'
Gandalf the Grey no more..
Gandalf the White reveals his rightful place as the head of the Istari in Middle-earth
The Hunters stare dumbstruck at the almost ghost-like apparition in front of them
'I come back to you now...at the turn of the tide'
The Power Of Darkness Grows
An army of Uruk-hai during the attack on Helms Deep
A close-up on some of the Uruk-hai in the rain and the amazing armour WETA made for all these 'hero'-Uruk-hai
The camera climbs up the Tower of Barad-dûr, much like we saw in FoTR, only this time the pinnacle is revealed to show a huge, terrifying eye peering out