Éomer looks in amazement at the three - a Man, Dwarf and Elf in Rohan
A shot of Aragorn, Legolas and Gimli running - this was the opening shot of the teaser trailer
Saruman's Uruk-hai erupt in cheers after a rousing speech from their master
A screaming Uglúk, captain of the Uruk-hai, prepares to assail Helm's Deep
More Uruk-hai - definitely the bunch carrying Merry and Pippin
Pippin looks at Merry - their hands aren't tied in the shot so perhaps this is right before or after Pippin dropped his brooch?
Éomer's men relax their guard around the Three Hunters...
Aragorn looks up at Éomer; it doesn't appear that he has revealed himself as Elendil's heir yet
Éomer: 'Look for your friends, but do not trust to hope, it has forsaken these lands...'
Notice the extreme details in Eomer's armor. You gotta love that horse engraving and horse nose-piece!
Sunlight pierces the canopy of the trees in Fangorn Forest