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The Two Towers - The First Trailer

Download this trailer at the Official Site (www.lordoftherings.net) now!

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The green fields before Helm's Deep get are left grey and barren after the movements of a great army

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'A new power is rising'

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Saruman adresses his army from his balcony with Wormtongue at his side. His voice has lost none of it's potency and fills the entire ring of Isengard: 'it's victory is at hand'

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The camera zooms out and shows a huge army of Orcs and Uruk-hai...

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..and just when you expect it to stop; it doesn't. The amazing shot of Isengard continues to pan out, surrounded by an ocean of Massive-controlled soldiers!

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'It is an army bred for a single purpose: to destroy the world of Men.'

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Théoden looks worried - Main theme of 'Requiem for a Dream' soundtrack kicks in, composed by Clint Mansell and the Kronos Quartet.

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New Line reminds us teasingly 'THIS CHRISTMAS' (as if we could possibly forget)

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Éowyn gazes up at Théoden, outside of the Golden Hall

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'You must lead the people to Helms Deep' - Snowmane tosses his head, eager to be off

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