The One Ring moves Frodo to great anger as he draws Sting and wrestles someone, most likely Sam or Gollum, to the ground
Frodo makes his way through the Dead Marshes. Sam: 'It's the Ring..'
..it's taken hold of you'
Suddenly Frodo goes limp, falls forward..
..and plunges face-first into the Dead Marshes
Amidst the chaos of the Rohan refugees fleeing, Éowyn stares with concern on her face off-camera..
..to Aragorn, whose face shares a similar look
Arwen leans in to kiss Aragorn - a dream, or a glimpse of the past? Arwen to Elrond: 'You have the gift of foresight - tell me what you have seen!'
Elrond sits alone at a veranda in the gardens of Rivendell, as Arwen runs quickly into shot on the right