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MAJOR THANKS TO FALAGARD!!! He found the trailer online early!
Where can I find the trailer to download?
To get the official download of the real media file, jump over to the Official Website. They offer both a small and large version for download. [http://www.Lordoftherings.net]
Matt over at Tolkien-movies.com has a great listing of the latest mirror sites to download any kind of version of the Fellowship of the Ring trailer. [Here]
UPDATE 06/06/01:
- Updated all large images with the clear versions from the downloadable version. Also added a lot more in detail images.
- Page 7, We are beginnning to think that the 'lurtz/boromir' scene might actually be 'lurtz/aragorn'
UPDATE 05/31/01:
- Updated description of image 3 on page 07.
UPDATE 05/28/01:
- Updated descriptions of image 8 on page 01, images 4 and 8 on page 03, image 7 on page 04, and images 1 and 6 on page 06.
- Added two images to page 02. One is a shot of an Orc in Moria, and the other is a shot of an Orc in the Last Alliance.
- Cleared up 2nd image on page 07.
- Added 3rd image on page 07. Clearer image of 2nd image.
- Added 4th and 5th images on page 07. Better look at Boromir being attacked by Lurtz.
UPDATE 05/24/01:
- The quality isn't the best on the larger images, but we will work to get a cleaned up version asap.
On May 25th 2001, New Line Cinema finally released its first in theater Fellowship of the RIng trailer in front of the movie Pearl Harbor. This 2 minute teaser is our first real look at the story and look of the films. Each summary is our staff's opinion of what these scenes actually represent in The Lord of the Rings. As with all TheOneRing.net content, you are invited to link to this information, but not copy it. Thanks!
A big thanks to Ringer staff Jincey, Tehanu, Tinuviel, Thorongil, Pippin Took, Pipesmoke, CharlieMS, Susie, Tookish and our new friend Falagard (who found the trailer online a little early).
![[ Click for Larger Version ]](http://img-nex.theonering.net/movie/preview/images/trailer02_04a.jpg) |
This is a Preview. Cool.
![[ Click for Larger Version ]](http://img-nex.theonering.net/movie/preview/images/trailer02_05a.jpg) |
The New Line logo with some cool fog effects.
![[ Click for Larger Version ]](http://img-nex.theonering.net/movie/preview/images/trailer02_06a.jpg) |
VOICEOVER (GANDALF): Legend tells of a ring, created by an ancient evil...
An eagle's eye view of forested Middle-Earth.
![[ Click for Larger Version ]](http://img-nex.theonering.net/movie/preview/images/trailer02_07a.jpg) |
VOICEOVER (GANDALF): ...that gave its wearer the power to enslave the world...
The River Anduin, where the One Ring was lost at the end of the Second Age.
![[ Click for Larger Version ]](http://img-nex.theonering.net/movie/preview/images/trailer02_08a.jpg) |
VOICEOVER (GANDALF): ...believed lost for centuries...it has now...
Frodo entering a darkened Bag End. The door creaks. Notice the circular architecture. Gotta love that door!
![[ Click for Larger Version ]](http://img-nex.theonering.net/movie/preview/images/trailer02_09a.jpg) |
VOICEOVER (GANDALF): ...been found.
A hand, Gandalf's, reaching from the dark shadows behind Frodo to touch his shoulder. Notice the extreme closeup and distorted camera view. This is CLASSIC Peter Jackson.
![[ Click for Larger Version ]](http://img-nex.theonering.net/movie/preview/images/trailer02_10a.jpg) |
Frodo turning around in fright, startled by Gandalf. A good shot of the Bag End hallway.
![[ Click for Larger Version ]](http://img-nex.theonering.net/movie/preview/images/trailer02_11a.jpg) |
GANDALF: "Is it secret...is it safe?" This could be a sequence in which Frodo dreams of Gandalf's earlier warning about keeping the ring secret and safe.
![[ Click for Larger Version ]](http://img-nex.theonering.net/movie/preview/images/trailer02_12a.jpg) |
The hooves of a Dark Rider's horse.
![[ Click for Larger Version ]](http://img-nex.theonering.net/movie/preview/images/trailer02_13a.jpg) |
Close up of the armor on the horse's head.
![[ Click for Larger Version ]](http://img-nex.theonering.net/movie/preview/images/trailer02_14a.jpg) |
The horse continues to rear its head.
![[ Click for Larger Version ]](http://img-nex.theonering.net/movie/preview/images/trailer02_15a.jpg) |
Check out the chompers on this steed.
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