The camera is the tip of the arrow as it races towards Boromir, who is peering into the Hall from Balin's Tomb in Moria.
Out in the open air again, the Fellowship is in a hurry. Probably escaping out of Moria. Notice the arrow in the foreground flying by as Merry looks surprised.
The arrow misses the entire Fellowship. Ringer Fan Gnosis suggests, "If you watch the arrow in Quicktime you will note that the arrow is SHOT AT the Orcs - the Elves of Lorien are in front and shoot right past the Fellowship - I think this is the moment they are 'saved' by the Elves."
The Black Rider snuffling for the hobbits in the Shire. It is their first encounter with the rider.
The Hobbits are looking pretty scared.
Aragorn faces the Riders at Weathertop.
We are in Orthanc. Saruman begins to reach towards the camera.
Saruman's hand gets closer to the camera as he reaches towards us.
Frodo looks to be in great pain as well as fighting the Ring for control.
Frodo fights the urge to put on the Ring.
Frodo loses his battle with the will of Sauron and moves to slip on the Ring.
The Title screen.
Frodo looking at Strider in The Prancing Pony. Strider asks, "Are you frightened?" Frodo says, "Yes."