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The camera is the tip of the arrow as it races towards Boromir, who is peering into the Hall from Balin's Tomb in Moria.
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Out in the open air again, the Fellowship is in a hurry. Probably escaping out of Moria. Notice the arrow in the foreground flying by as Merry looks surprised.
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The arrow misses the entire Fellowship. Ringer Fan Gnosis suggests, "If you watch the arrow in Quicktime you will note that the arrow is SHOT AT the Orcs - the Elves of Lorien are in front and shoot right past the Fellowship - I think this is the moment they are 'saved' by the Elves."
![[ Click for Larger Version ]](http://img-nex.theonering.net/movie/preview/images/trailer02_137a.jpg) |
The Black Rider snuffling for the hobbits in the Shire. It is their first encounter with the rider.
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The Hobbits are looking pretty scared.
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Aragorn faces the Riders at Weathertop.
![[ Click for Larger Version ]](http://img-nex.theonering.net/movie/preview/images/trailer02_86a.jpg) |
We are in Orthanc. Saruman begins to reach towards the camera.
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Saruman's hand gets closer to the camera as he reaches towards us.
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Frodo looks to be in great pain as well as fighting the Ring for control.
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Frodo fights the urge to put on the Ring.
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Frodo loses his battle with the will of Sauron and moves to slip on the Ring.
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The Title screen.
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Frodo looking at Strider in The Prancing Pony. Strider asks, "Are you frightened?" Frodo says, "Yes."