![[ Click for Larger Version ]](http://img-nex.theonering.net/movie/preview/images/trailer02_49a.jpg) |
Frodo stands in front of the Council of Elrond. A spy informed us that the elves seen here are simply Elf Lords. So Glorfindel might not actually be seen here. From left to right: Gandalf, Elf Lord 1, Elf Lord 2, Legolas, Elf Lord, Man 1, Man 2, Gimli.
![[ Click for Larger Version ]](http://img-nex.theonering.net/movie/preview/images/trailer02_50a.jpg) |
Boromir pleads: "The weapon of the enemy is a gift...let us use it against him."
![[ Click for Larger Version ]](http://img-nex.theonering.net/movie/preview/images/trailer02_52a.jpg) |
Aragorn says: "You cannot wield it...none of us can."
![[ Click for Larger Version ]](http://img-nex.theonering.net/movie/preview/images/trailer02_54a.jpg) |
The Fellowship. From left to right: Aragorn, Samwise, Gandalf, Frodo, Merry, Legolas, Pippin, Gimli, Boromir.
![[ Click for Larger Version ]](http://img-nex.theonering.net/movie/preview/images/trailer02_55a.jpg) |
Legolas: "The ring must be destroyed."
![[ Click for Larger Version ]](http://img-nex.theonering.net/movie/preview/images/trailer02_56a.jpg) |
VOICEOVER (ELROND): It was made in the fires of Mount Doom. Only there can it be unmade.
The forging of the Ring.
![[ Click for Larger Version ]](http://img-nex.theonering.net/movie/preview/images/trailer02_57a.jpg) |
The Cracks of Doom where the ring was forged. Possibly part of a forging trough that the gold runs through.
![[ Click for Larger Version ]](http://img-nex.theonering.net/movie/preview/images/trailer02_58a.jpg) |
Mount Doom. Menancing isn't it?
![[ Click for Larger Version ]](http://img-nex.theonering.net/movie/preview/images/trailer02_59a.jpg) |
This is the standard shot of the Dark Lord's army. We have seen it in both previous trailers.
![[ Click for Larger Version ]](http://img-nex.theonering.net/movie/preview/images/trailer02_60a.jpg) |
Only One has the will to resist it.
![[ Click for Larger Version ]](http://img-nex.theonering.net/movie/preview/images/trailer02_61a.jpg) |
Fellowship passing ruins on a hilltop, with the Misty Mountains in the background...maybe in Hollin? Note that Bill the Pony is also in attendence.