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Fellowship of the Ring Trailer 01
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Huge black gloved hand reaches almost to the camera. The face of the Rider remains scarily invisible.

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(CLEARER IMAGE) Most likely an Orc racing down a pillar in Moria in pursuit of the Fellowship. OR, as suggested by Xoanon, maybe this is Gollum creeping down a wall?

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Adjusted image. After attempting to clear this image up a bit more, I still can't really tell what it is. It does look like a possible Gollum image, but why are there spikes on his legs? Update One reader has pointed out that orcs in previous images have had these same spikes.

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An Orc attacks Boromir. Update After further review, we are going to go out on a limb here and say this is Lurtz fighting Aragorn.

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The shield that is being thrown by Lurtz comes within a few inches of hitting Aragorn's face. Ringer fan Gnosis suggests that this might be a preview of a battle to come down the road in the other two movies.

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Gandalf on the Bridge as he confronts the Balrog.

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Fireworks over Hobbiton.

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The fireworks expand over the party.

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A shot from the ceiling in the great hall of Moria. The Fellowship is running down the middle of the room as Orcs begin to surround them. Some are even climbing down pillars.

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Aragorn and Arwen plighting their troth...in Cerin Amroth?

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Aragorn takes on a bunch of orcs.

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Legolas takes aim. Notice the two arrows? In the first preview we saw him wielding 2 knives. Sounds like a trend. Thanks to Ringer Gnosis for the heads up on this one.

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So this is what the Nazgul look like to Frodo when he puts on the ring!

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