The Return of the One Party will take place the day of the Academy Awards, Sunday February 29th, 2004. UPDATE! Due to security concerns, pre-registration will not be available on Saturday February 29th. However, we are going to open the doors earlier on Sunday. Registration doors will open at 3pm. The party will last through the Academy Award broadcast and into the wee hours of the morning.
This event is SOLD OUT. No more tickets are available for purchase.
We've made arrangement for 25% off Tuxedo Rentals! [Click here for Details]
Our three main hotels have sold out, but we have made arrangements with the Hilton Universal for a special discount rate. [Click here for Details]
TORn has made arrangements to have a professional photographer at the event to help you cherish the memories! Read all about it in our FAQ. [More]
TORn is currently making plans to provide a live video and audio broadcast of this year's Party. We'd really appreciate it if everyone might fill in This Short Survey so we have an idea of how to put on the best show possible. [More]
We have chosen a brand new venue this year, The Hollywood American Legion! The Legion is a well known concert hall with significant room for a party as big as ours! The Hollywood American Legion Post 43 was built in 1929 and encompasses over 33,000 square feet. It is the largest Legion Post in California, and one of the most famous in the entire country. The buildings architecture is Egyptian Revival-Moroccan Deco and was finished in 1929. The post is a Los Angeles Registered Historical Landmark and has been a vibrant venue since its completion. Among the many highlights are an Art-Deco bar, Cabaret Room and an 800 person main hall. The Legion is truly the perfect place to spend Oscar night as it is only a mere block away from the Kodak Theater, the official home of the Academy Awards. [Learn More]
Hollywood American Legion Post 43
2305 North Highland
Hollywood, CA 90068
Sign up for our 'Return of The One Party' Mailing List! You will receive updates and news before anyone else on the party of the year! [Sign-Up]
FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS: We have compiled a series of Frequently Asked Questions for your convenience.
[Click here]
If you have other questions, please feel free to email oscarparty@theonering.net, with the subject of '2004 Return of The One Party.'