Corrected: A Rohirrim aims back and fires away at the Uruk-Hai and Orcs on the outskirts of Fangorn.
Thanks to indomitable TORn Staffer Quickbeam for the heads up :) |
Gandalf the White exorcises Théoden in Edoras as Aragorn and Éowyn look on, no doubt aghast at the way this scene is turning out... |
Sam attacks something or somebody (Gollum? Faramir?). |
Legolas, Gimli and Aragorn are surrounded by Éomer and his men |
A blurry but amazing near-subliminal shot of Gollum leaping at the ring around Frodo's neck! |
Scary stuff... |
Aragorn in decapitating-mode down at Helm's Deep |
Mr Voice (accelerating ludicrously): ...The Lord of the Rings, The Two Towers. Rated PG-13, Starts Wednesday December 18th. |
Only 5 days to go!!! |