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The Two Towers - TV Spot 12/12/2002
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In the final shot of the film, the winged Nazgûl steeds wheel above Oroduin in Mordor.

Mr Voice: This Christmas...

The Rohirrim attack the Uruk-hai and Orcs who have trespassed upon the plains of Rohan.

Treebeard, complete with Merry and Pippin in his branches, leads the roused Ents out of Fangorn in the storming of Isengard.

Gandalf The White reveals himself.

Mr Voice: ...return to the legend...

Théoden turns to look at Gandalf the White, at Théodred's graveside.

Two enarmoured cave-trolls manoeuvre the Black Gate of Mordor.

Aragorn dreams of happier times with Arwen back in Rivendell...


Saruman surveys his 'army fit for Mordor' from the top of Orthanc.

Mr Voice: ...return to the journey...

Sam and Gollum look down to the Black Gate.

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