New Line Cinema - An AOL Time Warner Company |
Éomer and Théoden ride with Gandalf, Legolas & Gimli and Aragorn in a final glorious shot after the victory of Helm's Deep.
Gandalf: One stage of your journey is over - another begins!
Gimli, Legolas and Gandalf look out across Rohan towards Mordor. |
Frodo and Sam stumble across the rocks of the Emyn Muil |
Haldir leads the garrison of archers from Lothlorien atop the walls of Helm's Deep. |
Aragorn gives the order to fire... |
Gandalf clutching Glamdring falls after the Balrog below the depths of Khazad-dûm... |
...and catches up with it a few frames later. |
The White Rider leads the charge of the exiled Rohirrim down upon the rear flank of the Uruk-Hai teaming into Helm's Deep. |