King Elessar charges into battle wielding Anduril - the sword that was Narsil now reforged. |
A fell beast is struck by Gandalf's shining power as it swoops ... on ... could that be Faramir? Riders flee from the winged menace. |
Arwen Evenstar embraces her father, Elrond in Rivendell. |
Gandalf the White fights in the White City, Minas Tirith. |
Eowyn removes her helm. Could this be the moment in which she confronts the Witch-king? |
Gollum looks shifty as Samwise keeps a look out from a cave. More than likely not the entrance to Shelob's Lair. |
Legolas in the midst of battle. He seems to be screaming a warning to one of his companions. |
Faramir leads the Men of Gondor to charge the enemy. |
A huge Oliphaunt foot enters the frame as the Men of Gondor charge. |
Gandalf and Pippin riding Shadowfax. Minas Tirith is in the background. |