The Return of the King - First Trailer |
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On September 27th 2003, New Line Cinema released the first official trailer for The Return of the King in front of 'Secondhand Lions.' This trailer made its first online appearance right here at TORn when we posted a rather low-quality version with japanses subtitles. AOL was the next site to post the trailer with a special midnight preview on September 28th 2003. This trailer will be officially available online at the official website ( as of Monday September 29th 2003.
A special thanks goes out to the follow TORn staffers and friends for helping put this Frame by Frame today: Calisuri, Maegwen, Demosthenes, and Starlady
Looking across at Mordor from Osgiliath or Minas Tirith. Morgul Vale glows eerily; a beam of light streams skyward. A signal? Oroduin glows menacingly. |
Legolas speaks to Aragorn. "The eye of the enemy is moving." This is at Edoras - look at the mountains in the background, and the sweep of the plain. Is it about to look towards Pippin? |
The One Ring spins like a top. |
Legolas, Gimli and Aragorn with their horses. This is in the woods near Dunharrow that leads to the entrance of Paths of the Dead. We are looking at them from the entrance. |
Gandalf looks out at something from behind sturdy walls of stone. This looks similar to a shot from the RoTK preview on the TTT Theatrical DVD. |
Two Nazgul on Fell Beasts screech and swoop ... |
Plummetting like dive bombers towards the White City - Minas Tirith. You can see a vast army before the city, and huge engines of war being drawn close to the Great Wall. |
Frodo - covered in cobwebs and exhausted - stumbles towards a set of stairs in Torech Ungol (Shelob's Lair). Is this the way out? The tower of Cirith Ungol can be seen in the distance. He seems to be alone.
The familiar New Line Cinema logo ... |
Trees. Are we back in Ithilien, picking up where we last saw, Sam, Gollum and Frodo? |
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