We don't want the journey to end!!! Or else we want it to end RIGHT NOW so we can see it!!! The Aragorn/Theoden voiceover continues: "When we forsake our friends..." |
Galadriel, presumably in a dream sequence for Frodo in Shelob's cave as he clutches the phial she gave him. Note that Frodo is covered in cobwebs. Aragorn/Theoden (voiceover): " ... and break all bonds of fellowship, but it is not this day..." |
Dernhelm/Eowyn and Merry on horseback, either at the Battle of Pelennor Field or the Muster of Rohan. Eowyn: "Whatever happens ..." |
'Merry himself felt as if a great weight of horror and doubt had settled on him'. Eowyn: " ...stay with me". |
The Rohirrim ready to charge onto the Pelennor? Aragorn/Theoden (voiceover): "This day...") |
Aragorn swivels. He is wearing his royal garb. Aragorn/Theoden: "... we fight!" |
Eowyn yells in response to something. It could be Aragorn's pep talk, but it's more likely this is an out of sequence shot and is part of the charge of the Rohirrim. |
'They caught the glimmer of morning far away, a light growing in the southern sky. But it brought little hope to them, not knowing what evil lay before them, fearing to come too late." What looks to be the army of Rohirrim on the Pelennor let out a huge shout as they prepare to ride forth. |
Aragorn prepares to lead the Armies of the West against the hordes of Mordor, with the Black Gate open in the background. |
There can be no triumph... |