Smeagol looks back at Sam and smirks evilly as Frodo walks ahead. |
Minas Morgul ... once known as Minas Ithil, home of the Witch King. |
A sickly blue-green light erupts from the Tower of the Moon. |
Leaping up into the sky. Sauron unleashes his hordes for war on Gondor. |
Frodo and Sam look shaken as the ground rocks beneath them. Gandalf (voiceover): "The board is set ..." |
A Nazgul on a Fell Beast rises into the air above Morgul. |
It spreads it's wings ... but is this the Witch King? |
Gandalf at Minas Tirith. "The pieces are moving." |
A Nazgul swoops as the Rohirrim ride for Minas Tirith - or perhaps they are Ithilien Rangers retreating from Osgiliath. |
Several horses and riders are taken out. |