"No Freedom" |
"No Freedom - Without Sacrifice" |
Gandalf, Gimli, Legolas, Eomer and Aragorn discuss their next move from the throne room of Gondor. Gimli seems to have occupied the Steward's seat.
Eomer: "We cannot achieve victory..." |
The men of Rohirrim charge at the enemy on the Pelennor. Eomer: "...through strength of arms." |
The enemy fall before the ride of the Rohirrim. |
Huge Mumakil (Oliphaunts) are equipped for battle with large spikes attached to their tusks. |
The Oliphaunts rear-up in anticipation of battle. |
Legolas latches onto a rope hanging from the Oliphaunt. |
Legolas continues to climb up the rope of the Oliphaunt.
Aragorn (VO): "Not for ourselves..." |
Aragorn speaks in the Last Debate in the White Tower: "...but we can give Frodo a chance. |