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'Lothlorien' Chapter 6

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'Alas! I fear we cannot stay here longer.' said Aragorn.

Moria is gone, but not forgotten, throughout the Moria scenes we were surrounded by darkness, the only light we were privileged to was the dimness of Gandalfs staff, and that is now gone as well. The Fellowship sits in an opening in the dim forest, rain pours all over them (I know it's a cliche, but it WORKS!) they are heartbroken, tired and dismal, much like their surroundings. Frodo is lost in his own world, looking pale and lost, Boromir is restless and unsettled, Aragorn seems to be functioning like a robot, going through the motions yet still in a state of shock.

Aragorn pushes the party to move on, they soon reach a small spring and follow it. Legolas tells the party of Lothlorien and it's beauty, this is another time for some exposition and background on Loiren and the Elves. If anything the exposition will help the viewers understand the importance of Lothlorien and the elves. The party moves on through day and night, the rain slowly subsides and they reach a clearing in the woods, beyond is a wide grey shadow. I'd love to see Legolas' face beam with happiness as the wind rustles through his hair

Lothlorien! we have come to the Golden Wood!

The details of Lothlorien would have already been spoken about in the scene before so the viewers already know what Lothlorien is. I'd have this beautiful archway trees covering a dirt road leading off into the darkness (it would be twilight) all the Fellowship would be in awe, save Boromir, who stops the party from moving on.

Is there no other way?
What other fairer way would you desire?

Boromir would then go on to describe his fear in entering this dark place, Legolas would take exception to it, and be angry, however Aragorn then delivers the line that is filled with irony.

Only evil need fear Lothlorien, or those who bring
some evil with them. Follow me!

This is the third hint of what is to come regarding Boromir. His lust for the ring is growing stronger, and the purity of Lorien is making his evil side fearful. Yet he is a strong man, and fights on. The party would enter and reach Nimrodel, already in the outskirts of Lorien the effects begin to take shape in the area around them; things seem much softer, hazy and slow as if in a dream. This effect will only get stronger as they enter this magical land.

I think this would be a great time for a very short song. Some debate has raged as to weather the songs should be included, I think certain songs should, others I thing should be included, but not sung by the characters, perhaps they should be in the background. This song, sung by Legolas, should be included, but shortened, to 2 perhaps 3 paragraphs, this is not a musical remember, but the Lorien scenes always seemed to me to be a time of rest and relaxation, and of song and sleep.

After the song, Legolas would almost seem to be lost for words, and Aragorn would tell the party quietly that they must press on, for they cannot sleep out in the open tonight. Legolas then climbs a tree to find them a place to sleep for the night, much to the Hobbits dismay; they need to sleep in the trees. The Elf flies down the tree and commands all to remain silent, he has seen and heard something and is not sure what it is. Suddenly the forest appears very cold and dark. With the tension mounting, we have a close up of Frodo, fog from his breath; he reaches inside his shirt to check for the ring.

Suddenly Legolas returns with good news, a group of Elves has spotted them and is offering them rest for the night. The party travels with these Elves to a small grouping of trees, and they climb their way up, much to Frodo's fear. We follow him up to a wooden platform, high in the trees, the wood is dark and very old, the whole platform creeks and pops as if it were a sailing ship, surrounded totally by leaves and yet still open to the sky, Frodo makes his way to meet Haldir. There would be some small tension between the elves and Gimli, they are very hard pressed to let him stay but allow it. Soon the Hobbits are fed and warm, trying to sleep on the high platform. Merry, Pippin and Sam are sleeping, uneasily Frodo is lying on his back, looking up, the moonlight hits half his face, and turns it a pale blue, Frodo is staring up through the leaves into the night sky, filled with stars. I'm picturing a 'Luke Skywalker staring-at-the-double-sunsets' type moment here, filled with a sorrowful score (Score PJ!!! the score is SO dam important!!). Camera back on Frodo, he's slowly nodding off to sleep when suddenly an Elf would pop up from below, Frodo jumps up in surprise, Sam is right there next to him.

What is it?
Orcs! What are they doing?

Yet again the score would rise back up, like the pulses in their veins, the adrenaline rushing. The Elf disappears, and all was still, suddenly we'd hear the rope ladder moving, someone was climbing up. Frodo hesitantly looks down through the hole. Shiny beady eyes meet his gaze, they blink back, suddenly a hsssssssss!!!! And the eyes disappear, there is a small rustling and the figure is gone, Frodo sits back up straight more frightened than ever. Suddenly Haladir pops his head in. Haladir would tell them of the passing Orcs, and of the mysterious figure that disappeared from view. The party would remain safe for the moment, but no sleep would they be getting tonight.

The scene fades to midmorning the next day. The party, along with a group of elves is by a roaring river with a rope bridge. The sound of the rapids is deafening, and the camera focuses o the small ropes used to climb across, we see a shot of Sam, Merry and Frodo looking terrified. The party slowly moved across, Pippin making his way the fastest. After they all cross Haldir tells the party that the Dwarf Gimli must be blindfolded. The Dwarf takes exception to this and there is much tension between the Elves and the party over this. I like the use of the roaring rapids and the roaring tensions to create a type of 'mob scene' to make it seem like a 'could this get any worse?' type of situation. It reminds me of the opening scene in 'Close Encounters' when everyone was trying to talk at the same time and you had the loud wind from the sandstorm, great tension.

The decision is of course made to have them all blindfolded. This is a great little time for the Aragorn Character to start taking control of the party after Gandalfs death. The party slowly makes its way towards Lorien, more exposition could be given here, regarding Lorien and it's past. The ever growing feeling of Ease and magic fills the air, although the party cannot see it, the trees seem to sway slower, the birds move through the air slower, and water flows as if it were molasses.

Soon the party would encounter a roving group of Elves, and Haldir would tell them they could take off their blindfolds. Before this there would be very little of the party's surroundings, now we could see the open area that they had stopped, the golden wood, the waterfalls and the swaying grass, all would be in awe of this magical place.

Behold! You are come to Cerin Amroth!

The beautiful tree with the white platform and the golden flowers all about them. The party would make their way slowly towards it, this I cannot wait to see! It would be a beautiful scene, with birds and long beautiful vistas, all would be forgotten for the moment, the Ring quest, the Orcs and Sauron, all would be at ease at this very moment in time. I think Aragorn would let the party ahead of him, yet he would stop Frodo and with his eyes seemingly someplace else, would say

Here is the heard of Elvedom on earth, and here
my heart dwells ever, unless there be a light
beyond the dark roads that we must tread, you and
I, come with me!

And they would then make their way towards the tree with the rest of the party. The final shot would be a rather far off shot with the tree in the middle of the screen, the party as small figures moving around and onto it. And the beautiful background filling the screen. Fade to white.

Next Chapter
The Mirror of Galadriel Chap 7

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