[Barlibash] Barlibash 2007: Atlanta or Jersey Shore?

Po Evans poevans516 at hotmail.com
Sun Aug 13 13:01:25 EDT 2006

Not that I want to argue, but I used to work in New York City.  My commute 
from South Jersey by car took an hour and a half.  If I took the train from 
Plainsboro, it took less than an hour.  Part of my responsibilities was a 
trip to AC (Atlantic City) once a month.  From New York to AC took about two 
hours via car (by way of the Parkway), so it's definitely doable if one so 
desires.  For me, I'd rather spend time with the Bashers and unwinding.

>From: Joel <jpubx1 at westvi.com>
>To: "Simon" <renideo at gmail.com>, <maegwen at theonering.net>,   
><Barlibash at theonering.net>
>Subject: Re: [Barlibash] Barlibash 2007: Atlanta or Jersey Shore?
>Date: Sun, 13 Aug 2006 02:29:37 -0700
>Let me make one thing really clear to people. If you think that going to 
>the Jersey shore makes you "nice and close to New York City" so you can hop 
>up for a day trip" I have to disabuse you of that notion right now. At 
>least from my viewpoint.
>They are close on a globe, but the worlds are so different, and the commute 
>between the two so inconvenient, that you won't be able to  get from one to 
>the other too easily. You can try, but having 3-5 hours of your NYC day 
>spent getting there and back won't be fun.
>At 12:13 AM 8/13/2006, Simon wrote:
>>I guess I could add a reason, though not being a native I don't place much
>>value in my viewpoint on this one. I suspect it will be a lot easier, and
>>more likely that I will be able to attend if we're looking at jersey,
>>particularly as if the timing works out in such a way that I need to make 
>>extra return flight to get there it's one of the cheapest places to fly 
>>I'd also love to be proximal to new york, as that's something i've meant 
>>see for a very long time, and failed to. But, you know, otherwise, I'm 
>>to do whatever people want to do. I only go for the people really anyway.
>>Anyway, I'm going to work very hard to make this one. While last year my
>>stated view was I was unlikly to come from day one, it's my express
>>intention to find my way over for next year, whether I be in illinois,
>>london, inbetween or somewhere stranger and more far fetched.
>>So I hope to see as many of you as possible, especially those I haven't 
>>met, and my own desires aside I wish everyone the best possible luck in
>>making it when the time comes, wherever it may be.
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>>Barlibash at theonering.net
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