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New Line released these exciting film preview shots on
April 7, 2000. The Tolkien internet community eagerly awaited this release, and we've
organized the bounty into screen shots with summaries. We have gathered the opinions of Anwyn, Quickbeam, Calisuri and Tookish on what these scenes actually represent in The Lord of the Rings. As with all
TheOneRing.net content, you are invited to link to this information, but not copy it. Thanks!
UPDATE 06/01/00:
- Ringer spy Galadriel tell us that this is an Elvish army charging the Uruk-Hai.(page 07, 3rd image)
UPDATE 05/10/00:
- McKellen.com reports
that the idea of using acrobats on stilts to achieve hobbit scale was abandoned.
(page 01, 6th image & page 03, 5th image)
UPDATE 04/11/00:
- Richard Taylor is the head of creature design for WETA. (page 02, 4th image)
- Late word has Stunt Coordinator Greg Powell out of the production (page 02, 5th image)
- Is that Sean Astin practicing his sword-play? (on the left) (page 02, 5th image)
UPDATE 04/10/00:
- We have eliminated the Gandalf/Shadowfax theory. Ian McKellen at McKellen.com has stated he has yet to met Shadowfax. (page 06, 7th image)
UPDATE 04/09/00 - Even more updates:
- We have confirmation that the MASSIVE software shots are just Test shots! Not finished products (page 07, 5th image and page 04, 7th & 8th images)
- Check out the white hand on the orc figures! (page 07, 4th image)
UPDATE 04/08/00 - There are have been many updates made in the past two
days to this section. Our sources have confirmed and disproven some of our original theories. Here is a list of what was updated:
- Caras Galadhon painting is a pre-production painting with generic characters. Don't let Gandalf being there fool you. (page 01, 2nd image)
- Check out the hands on the figurines (page 01, 3rd image)
- WETA prosetic technicians did the effects for the orcs, not Peter Owen (page 02, 4th image)
- We now believe the scene of our heroes running through the woods is after the fall of Gandalf (page 02, last image)
- If you look closely you can see a white horse in front of these Nazgul! (page 03, 6th image)
- This is NOT gollum (page 03, 7th image)
- This is Barad Dur Miniature (page 03, 8th image)
- Early Uruk-Hai Tests (page 04, 1st and 2nd images)
- This is not an Ent, Oliphaunt or Sauron. (page 04, 3rd image)
- Same shot as the one above it (page 06, 2nd image)
- Current theories for have this as Arwen racing away from the Riders, Gandalf racing away on Shadowfax (page 06, 7th image)
- This is in fact a scene from Helm's Deep (page 07, 3rd image)
- Aragorn is throwing a torch (page 7, 6th image)
Here we have a painting of the tree-flets at Caras Galadhon. Its a pre-production painting with the artist drawing in generic characters. So don't get too excited about Gandalf being there..:) |
Minas Tirith Metropolitan Museum: Arms and Armor Wing. Would you want to meet these suits in battle? Notice the Hands on the center figure? The mark of Saruman? |
Dwarven transformation, complete with battle helmet. |
Motion Capture. Looks like a troll or simlarly-sized despicable creature in the works. |
According to Ian Mckellen and Mckellen.com
(Gandalf), "... was, though, a bit surprised to see in the teaser a couple of shots of acrobats on stilts,
one of the planned devices for shrinking actors to Hobbit-size. This "Big Rig" method has been abandoned
as being too clumsy, in favour of others..." |
Theyre everywhere! Armies of Orcs
and in broad daylight. Must be something they want pretty badly. |
The Director Peter Jackson, "The responsibility of bringing this world to the screen is, obviously, enormous
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