The next series of images were seen in the Cannes Footage.
Pippin foolishly messes with a dwarf skeleton that is perilessly perched on an old well.
Pippin's curiousity gets the best of him, as he starts a chain reaction...
The dwarf skull falls off the body and down the well...
...making a rather audible distraction.
Gandalf sits quietly until...
He is startled by the noise.
The dwarf skeleton, armour and all, completely falls down the well.
A view from inside the well as the skeleton and armour clang down the well.
Fool of a Took!
An out of sequence shot. This is when the Fellowship surrounds the tomb of Balin. Notice the skeleton leaning against the tomb. Gandalf picks up the book from this skeleton's hands.
Frodo looks to Sting to see if there is any real danger near
Sting glows a faint blue alerting the Fellowship that Orcs, and danger, are near!
The look on Frodo's face shows that he knows what this means. The drums start. The orcs have no sense of rhythm or they just like to march out of time.
Voiceover (Gandalf): "They are coming."
The camera rises up over the rubble to show a door, firelit from within. the drums rise to a crescendo
The door....with old, old weapons wedged across it (placed by Boromir and Aragorn) in a futile attempt to seal it off.
A spear flies through it or falls away from it as the door busts open.
That Carmina Burana rip-off music gets going.