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[ The Movie Section ]

Your next stop will most likely be the Movies Section. TORn's currently popularity is largely based on the upcoming films from New Line Cinema. While we started out as a site dedicated to the upcoming Lord of the Rings movies, we have become somthing much bigger, as you will see in the later sections. ‘Movies’ contains all the information about the movies you will need. We have a complete Crew List, Frame-by-Frame Analysis of the latest film trailers, an entire section dedicated to the Special Effects, and complete bios of all the Characters and Cast. We highlight two areas below, but this is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to Movie coverage.

[ Movie FAQ ]

[ Movie FAQ ]

If there is anything you want to know about the movies that you weren’t able to find in the movie section...hold your emails and check out TORn staffer Pippin Took’s FAQ first. In this ‘newbie guide to the movies,’ as we like to call it, Pippin Took has answered all of the most frequently asked questions regarding the movies. Then, if you are still not satisfied, feel free to email him with all your concerns, questions, adjustments, junk email and everything you want to get rid of!

[ Movie Scrapbook ]

[ Movie Scrapbook ]

A section that we at are especially proud of is our Movie Scrapbook. We have the largest collection of pictures, articles and photos concerning the upcoming movies right here for you. There are already over 1300 pictures and it is still growing! There isn’t a picture which appeared on the internet that isn’t in this scrapbook. It’s a definite must-see for first-timers. If you don’t want to know what the Nazgul will look like, or if you don’t want to get nightmares from a picture of the mouth of Sauron, don’t go there!

[ Movie Section Sub-pages ]

Other Movie Sections not described above:
Preview | Characters | Cast | Crew | Locations | Release Dates | Special Effects

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This site is maintained and updated by fans of The Lord of the Rings, and is in no way affiliated with Tolkien Enterprises or the Tolkien Estate. We in no way claim the artwork displayed to be our own. Copyrights and trademarks for the books, films, articles, and other promotional materials are held by their respective owners and their use is allowed under the fair use clause of the Copyright Law. Design and original photography however are copyright © 2000 TheOneRing®.net. TheOneRing® is a registered service mark with exclusive right to grant use assigned to The One Ring, Inc. Unique Design by