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[ The Front page ]

The first page you will see when opening will be the 'Home' page. This page is where "everyone'’ who surfs through (or TORn as we affectionately call it) will start. ‘Home’ has a specialized staff of over 10 people who bring you all the latest news of interest to LOTR fans. This would include anything regarding movies, games, books, articles, events, fans and much, much more. We bring you these updates almost hourly. You can always count on TORn being up-to-date and first with the news, because we have a news staff which spans the entire globe and every time zone. Check this page frequently! Below is a graphic to show you how the 'Home' page is set up.

Search Box - Our search engine is extremely advanced. Type in a series of keywords and be amazed at how fast you can get to the information you need.
Side Links - This is our main navigation for the entire site. You can find your current location at any time by locating the little green dot next to the name of the section. If you want to jump to another area, just click!
The News - This is where you will find the latest news on everything Tolkien related. The front page news usually directs you to other subsections within the site.
Announcements - Check this area for big announcements about the site. Contests are usually announced here, as well as major subsection updates.
Top 5 Stories - We update the front page so frequently that sometimes the REALLY important stories get pushed down and out of sight! This is for those fans who want only the BIG news.
Insta-Poll - Give your opinions on these insightful weekly poll questions.
Contact Information - Got a good news story? Then use this to contact the webmaster or various staff writers!
Credits - Credits for the webpage,including a site map and some other cool stuff.
[ Map of the Front Page ]

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This site is maintained and updated by fans of The Lord of the Rings, and is in no way affiliated with Tolkien Enterprises or the Tolkien Estate. We in no way claim the artwork displayed to be our own. Copyrights and trademarks for the books, films, articles, and other promotional materials are held by their respective owners and their use is allowed under the fair use clause of the Copyright Law. Design and original photography however are copyright © 2000 TheOneRing®.net. TheOneRing® is a registered service mark with exclusive right to grant use assigned to The One Ring, Inc. Unique Design by