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Barlimans Sound Collection
Welcome to Barliman's Sounds page! We have compiled this collection of the most used sound .wavs for you. By downloading these files and placing them in your IRC sounds folder, you will be able to play or hear downloaded sounds. We have a couple of choices for you - our regular size file (The Hobbit Pack), and our larger sized file (The Wizard Pack). Download the file that suits you and your computer's memory the best. The larger size file has the same sounds as the regular size file, but with better quality! More sounds will be added as they become available, so check back often. And we must remind our java visitors of the fact that these sounds are not compatible with java, so get an IRC program! We are always on the lookout for new .wavs. If you have a great .wav, please send it to

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Complete Listing of Sounds
Instructions on Using Sounds

Trailer Kit
The Trailer Pack
approx 600k

This Trailer pack is made up of sounds from the official Fellowship of the Ring movie trailer. Highlights include Frodo's muttering, "No one knows it's here...do they....Do They Gandalf?"

Hobbit Kit
The Hobbit Pack
approx 2.0 MEG

This Hobbit kit is made up of lower quality sounds which translates to a faster download, but worse sound quality. So you won't quite hear Calisuri's voice as clear as you could with the Wizard pack.

Wizard Pack
The Wizard Pack
approx 3.7 MEG

The wizard pack is for the real hardcore fans of Barliman's. Get the highest quality sound and pleasure out of your experience in the world's most famous Tolkien Chatroom!

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