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Barlimans Sound List

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Trailer Sound List

precious.wav = Gollum saying "My Precious"
secondarkness.wav = Gandalf saying "Sauron needs only this ring to cover all the lands in a second darkness"
secretsafe.wav = Gandalf saying "Is it secret? is it safe?"
seeking.wav = Gandalf saying "And he's seeking it, seeking it... all his thought is bent on it"
dothey.wav = Frodo saying "No one knows it's here, do they? ... Do they Gandalf?
gift.wav = Boromir saying "The weapon of the enemy is a gift, let us use it against him!"
wield.wav = Aragorn saying "You cannot wield it! none of us can!"
destroyed.wav = Legolas saying "The ring must be destroyed"
unmade.wav = Elrond saying "It was made in the fires of Mount Doom, only there can it be unmade"
afraid.wav = Frodo saying "I know what I must do, but I'm afraid to do it"
walkmordor.wav = Boromir saying "One does not simply walk into Mordor"
nootherway.wav = Frodo saying "There is no other way"
downthere.wav = Frodo saying "There's something down there"
forged.wav = Gandalf saying "This is the one ring, forged by the dark lord Sauron"
frightened.wav = Aragorn: "Are you frightened?" Frodo: "Yes" Aragorn: "Not nearly frightened enough!"
smallest.wav = Galadriel saying "Even the smallest person can change the course of the future"

Hobbit/Wizard Pack Sounds

acelaugh.wav = Ace Ventura Laughing
allrighty.wav = Ace Ventura saying "Allrighty then"
arrow.wav = The sound of an arrow being fired
bagbaby.wav = Austin Powers saying "this sort of thing ain't my bag, baby"
balrog.wav = The Bakshi balrog roaring and then snapping his whip
basically.wav = Ash from Army of Darkness saying "yea... basically"
bilbosong.wav = The Rankin-Bass song about dishes at Bilbo's
blast.wav = The sound of a laser blast from The Transformers
boob.wav = Skeletor from He-Man contacting, and insulting the king
boromirhorn.wav = The Bakshi Boromir's horn sounding
brain.wav = The Scarecrow from Oz singing "If I only had a brain"
brutha.wav = PimpBot 5000 asking "What's the good word, my brutha?"
cake.wav = Battlecat from He-Man lamenting about not getting some cake
calisuri.wav = Our own Calisuri introducing himself
callum.wav = Our own Calisuri doing his Gollum impression
castrate.wav = An evil guy saying "Guards, castrate him!"
cherrywine.wav = PimpBot 5000 assuring all he is doing fine
comeback.wav = The Bakshi Boromir begging Frodo to "come back"
computers.wav = Marvin the Martian expressing frustration concerning his computers
confused.wav = A Brittish guy expressing confusion
crash.wav = Cartoon sound of a plane crashing
crickets.wav = The sound of crickets chirping
cutyou.wav = PimpBot 5000 threatening you
daffy.wav = Daffy duck saying "woohoo"
die.wav = A Barbarian commanding you to "die!"
disagree.wav = Mr. Burns from The Simpsons saying "I disagree"
doforyou.wav = A Blacksmith offering you his help
doh.wav = Homer saying "doh!"
draw.wav = John Wayne expressing disgust at someone's ignorance
eject.wav = Soundwave from The Transformers saying "eject!"
eldorado.wav = PimpBot 5000 offering the keys to his El Dorado
evillaugh.wav = Dr. Evil laughing
evillaugh2.wav = Mumm-Ra laughing
excellent.wav = Mr. Burns saying "excellent"
fancy.wav = Ash saying "Well hello, Mr. Fancypants"
fool.wav = Skeletor saying "Let's see you try it... fool"
force.wav = Obi-Wan Kenobi saying "The force will be with you"
french.wav = Monty Python saying "I'm French, why do you think I have this OUTRAGEOUS accent?"
goodmaster.wav = The Bakshi Gollum saying "good master"
grayskull.wav = He-Man saying "By the power of GraySkull!"
groovybaby.wav = Austin Powers saying "groovy baby"
haha.wav = Nelson from The Simpsons laughing
help.wav = Tweety Bird crying for help
hi.wav = Dr. Nick from The Simpsons saying "hi everybody!"
horse.wav = A horse making noise
hounds.wav = Mr. Burns commanding "release the hounds"
inconceivable.wav = From the Princess Bride "inconceivable!"
invincible.wav = Starscream touting his skills, and being shamed
jetship.wav = A Jetsons ship sound
kitt.wav = KITT from Knight Rider introducing himself
later.wav = PimpBot saying "later, whitebread"
magic.wav = Merlin the wizard saying "Not if my magic can help it!"
master.wav = Darth Vader saying "Now I... am the master"
mauloff.wav = A double lightsaber being turned off
maulon.wav = A double lightsaber being turned on
megadeath.wav = Megatron screaming "Starscream!!!" as he is abandoned
meow.wav = A cat meowing until it is whacked into silence
mordor.wav = The Ringwraiths from Bakshi saying "come back, to Mordor we will take you"
myprecious.wav = Gollum saying "my precious" from Bakshi
newsflash.wav = Our own Calisuri alerting the channel to a newsflash
ni.wav = Monty Python - a knight saying "Ni!"
nicehobbitses.wav = Gollum saying "Nice hobbitses" from Bakshi
oblivion.wav = Soundwave saying "prepare... for... obvlivion!"
onering.wav = Gandalf reciting the lines
overprime.wav = Megatron saying "It's over Prime!"
painsme.wav = Starscream saying "Oh how it pains me to do this!" (sarcastically)
peasants.wav = Starscream saying "Faster you peasants!"
pig.wav = PimpBot threatening to "stick you like a pig"
retreat.wav = Theoden crying "retreat" from Bakshi
rimshot.wav = the comedy drum followup
ringlong.wav = A long ring line reading from the BBC
ringwraith.wav = A Nazgul crying
runfools.wav = Gandalf yelling "run, you fools!"
saberoff.wav = A Lightsaber being turned off
saberon.wav = A Lightsaber being turned on
samlost.wav = Samwise saying "We're plain lost, Mr. Frodo"
science.wav = Starscream saying "Foolish human, magic can never defeat science!"
shonuff.wav = PimpBot saying "sho nuff"
shruberry.wav = Monty Python saying "A shruberry!"
snore.wav = A cartoon snore
stillfunct.wav = Megatron saying "Wait... I still function!"
stones.wav = Mr. Burns commanding that the Rolling Stones be killed
swallow.wav = A witch threatening to "swallow your soul!"
tellmegandalf.wav = Theoden asking Gandalf's advise
thephonecall.wav = The LOTR casting director calling an extra
throwbone.wav = Dr. Evil saying "throw me a frickin' bone"
transform.wav = A Transformer doing just that
transformout.wav = A Transformer turning back
trumpets.wav = The sound of trumpets
upto.wav = PimpBot shooting the breeze
vengeance.wav = Mr. Burns threatening Springfield
wannabet.wav = Starscream asking "wanna bet?"
welcome.wav = Our own Tookish welcomes you
xena.wav = Xena doing her war cry
xoa1.wav = Dr. Who clip about Xoanon - "The great god Xoanon"
xoa2.wav = Dr. Who clip about Xoanon - "Xoanon!"
xoa3.wav = Dr. Who clip about Xoanon - "Great Xoanon!"
xoa4.wav = Dr. Who clip about Xoanon - "Do you lack brain? Xoanon does..."
xowelcome.wav = Our own Xoanon welcomes you
yeahbaby.wav = Austin Powers saying "Yeah baby!"
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