Find The One Ring Contest Logo
"Help me, help a poor old hobbit, nice massster\? I've lost it, lost my Precious!"
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Gollum Needs You!

"Help my find my Preciousssss! Nassssty Calisuri has it!"

"He has hid it, he won't say where......but we knowsss he's a website designer.......and he's hid it on™ somewhere."

"Nasssty Calisuri hoards them, he does, yessss. It's not just the One that he's taken, no, not only that! He has many Ringses he has hid somewhere on™. Help usss find them, and maybe we can give you a reward, yes, a reward!"

"Find my Precious for me and win the One Ring from Badali Jewellery, my hobbitses! All silver it is, very precious, although of course it's not The Preciousss."

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