No subject
Wed Dec 29 19:04:22 CST 2010
n a Happy New Year (and what a big year it is going to be !).
Besides a =93certain movie project=94 starting production, we also have lot=
s of
The Lord of the Rings goodness on it=92s way. The Prancing Pony Environment=
Gollum and the Rohirrim Royal Guard Miniature Shield are shipping to
customers in Jan. Our new Rivendell Environment is in development. And our
Bag End =96 Collectors Edition is nearly sold out. To see the full LOTR ran=
available here. Authentic collectibles created by the original Weta artists=
Plus, there are new project announcements coming soon 2011 =96 Bring it on =
*Video: Sibley=92s =93A Film-Maker=92s Journey=94 Book Review*
Author JW Braun has sent along his latest vlog book review. This, along wit=
several other video blogs from other artists, web personalities and others
will makeup a new =91TORN TV=92 feature we are working on, more on that soo=
n. In
the meantime check our JW=92s book review of =91Peter Jackson: A Film-Maker=
Journey=92 by Brian Sibley. Order the book today on Be sure to
check out NEW YouTube Channel here!
*Sideshow Teases 2011 LOTR Line-up*
As part of their annual =9112 Days of Sideshow=91 promotion, has revealed quite a few upcoming LOTR statues for
2011. Joining the already pre-ordering Aragorn and Gandalf, are new statues
of Arwen, Legolas and Gimli. Click on the image above to see the full
version of their tease.
*Save 50% on 21-disc Tolkien Audio Set!*
Just in time for Tolkien=92s upcoming birthday on January 3rd, we=92ve foun=
d the
perfect unexpected gift for Tolkien lovers =96 a complete boxed set of his
spellbinding fantasy tales on CD. These full-cast dramatizations of The
Hobbit, The Lord of the Rings, and Tales from the Perilous Realm feature
specially-composed music and outstanding casts. Also included in this
special edition is a hand-drawn Middle Earth map and Brian Sibley=92s
excellent profile J. R. R. Tolkien: An Audio Portrait. Now you can purchase
this 21-disc set directly from AudioGO and save HALF OFF the retail price
with code ONERING50. Simply click here, add one or more copies to your
shopping cart and enter the code at checkout to get this exclusive
collection for just $49.98!
*Govt clears way for 40 foreign Hobbit actors*
The Government has made another concession to the makers of the Hobbit
movies as it paves the way for them to be made here. The head of Immigratio=
New Zealand, Nigel Bickle, has confirmed that approval has been given to
Three Foot Seven Ltd to recruit 40 overseas actors for the movies. Mr Bickl=
says the department followed its usual practice of asking both Actors=92
Equity and Work and Income to comment on the request to allow the actors
into the country. He says the union opposed the request but Work and Income
supported it. The matter then went to the Associate Immigration Minister,
Kate Wilkinson, who approved it. While the department followed its usual
practice, Radio New Zealand=92s political editor says, apparently the union
did not get access to the information it normally gets. It couldn=92t be su=
local actors were being given an equal opportunity to audition for all 75
speaking parts, and that apparently is why it opposed the request.
*The Sun reports Dwarf Training to begin in January*
The Sun is reporting that James Nesbitt is about to embark on a month of
dwarf training: He said: =93We=92re going for dwarf training for a month. I=
an adventure and I can=92t wait for it. I=92ve never done a massive film li=
it.=94 The Northern Irish actor will move across the globe with wife Sonia =
their two daughters. James, who stars alongside The Office=92s Martin Freem=
=96 who plays the title role, added: =93It=92s a once in a lifetime thing. =
just for me but for the family.=94
*MGM Restructure Complete, Roger Birnbaum And Gary Barber Take Reins With
$500 Million To Spend*
LOS ANGELES, CA, December 20, 2010 =96 Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Inc. (=93MGM=94)=
announced that the company=92s restructuring has become effective, with exi=
financing of $500 million in place. The company=92s =93pre-packaged=94 plan=
reorganization (the =93Plan=94) was confirmed on December 2, 2010, by the U=
Bankruptcy Court for the Southern District of New York. =93MGM is emerging
from one of the most challenging periods of its storied history. We are
honored and inspired at the opportunity of leading one of Hollywood=92s mos=
iconic studios into its next generation of unforgettable filmmaking, global
television production and distribution, and aggressively pursuing,
developing and exploiting new digital entertainment platforms,=94 said Gary
Barber and Roger Birnbaum, Co-Chairmen and Chief Executive Officers of MGM.
*WB Games Updates War in the North Website*
The folks from WB Games have let us know that has been
updated. From the website: As you=92ve probably already noticed, we=92ve up=
dated to better reflect the distinct visual style of War in the
North. The new homepage makes it easier to see what=92s new, whether it=92s=
latest trailer, community video, or additional info about the characters,
enemies, locations, or features in the game. A new community tab highlights
a member of community, shows the latest Facebook updates, and provides quic=
access to our forums. Most importantly, we=92re looking to make sure that t=
site is updated regularly. 2011 is going to be full of exciting news about
the game that we can=92t wait to share with you, and you=92ll find it all h=
Join us on Facebook <> -
YouTube <>
Michael Regina
Editor in Chief -
Content-Type: text/html; charset=windows-1252
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<div class=3D"gmail_quote"><div class=3D"gmail_quote">Hullo!! Take a look a=
t the latest updates from and beyond!<br><br>Looking to adve=
rtise in this space? Click here! <a href=3D"
/advertising/" target=3D"_blank">
<br><b>Merry Christmas from WETA</b><br>From our pals at WETA: The whole te=
am at Weta would like to wish everyone on a Happy New Year (=
and what a big year it is going to be !). Besides a =93certain movie projec=
t=94 starting production, we also have lots of The Lord of the Rings goodne=
ss on it=92s way. The Prancing Pony Environment, Gollum and the Rohirrim Ro=
yal Guard Miniature Shield are shipping to customers in Jan. Our new Rivend=
ell Environment is in development. And our Bag End =96 Collectors Edition i=
s nearly sold out. To see the full LOTR range available here. Authentic col=
lectibles created by the original Weta artists. Plus, there are new project=
announcements coming soon 2011 =96 Bring it on !<br>
<a href=3D"" target=3D"_blank">
/2585t6o</a><br><br><b>Video: Sibley=92s =93A Film-Maker=92s Journey=94 Boo=
k Review</b><br>Author JW Braun has sent along his latest vlog book review.=
This, along with several other video blogs from other artists, web persona=
lities and others will makeup a new =91TORN TV=92 feature we are working on=
, more on that soon. In the meantime check our JW=92s book review of =91Pet=
er Jackson: A Film-Maker=92s Journey=92 by Brian Sibley. Order the book tod=
ay on Be sure to check out NEW YouTube Chann=
el here!<br>
<a href=3D"" target=3D"_blank">
/2bt449k</a><br><br><b>Sideshow Teases 2011 LOTR Line-up</b><br>As part of =
their annual =9112 Days of Sideshow=91 promotion, =
has revealed quite a few upcoming LOTR statues for 2011. Joining the alread=
y pre-ordering Aragorn and Gandalf, are new statues of Arwen, Legolas and G=
imli. Click on the image above to see the full version of their tease.<br>
<a href=3D"" target=3D"_blank">
/295czxy</a><br><br><b>Save 50% on 21-disc Tolkien Audio Set!</b><br>Just i=
n time for Tolkien=92s upcoming birthday on January 3rd, we=92ve found the =
perfect unexpected gift for Tolkien lovers =96 a complete boxed set of his =
spellbinding fantasy tales on CD. These full-cast dramatizations of The Hob=
bit, The Lord of the Rings, and Tales from the Perilous Realm feature speci=
ally-composed music and outstanding casts. Also included in this special ed=
ition is a hand-drawn Middle Earth map and Brian Sibley=92s excellent profi=
le J. R. R. Tolkien: An Audio Portrait. Now you can purchase this 21-disc s=
et directly from AudioGO and save HALF OFF the retail price with code ONERI=
NG50. Simply click here, add one or more copies to your shopping cart and e=
nter the code at checkout to get this exclusive collection for just $49.98!=
<a href=3D"" target=3D"_blank">
/2c4hald</a><br><br><b>Govt clears way for 40 foreign Hobbit actors</b><br>=
The Government has made another concession to the makers of the Hobbit movi=
es as it paves the way for them to be made here. The head of Immigration Ne=
w Zealand, Nigel Bickle, has confirmed that approval has been given to Thre=
e Foot Seven Ltd to recruit 40 overseas actors for the movies. Mr Bickle sa=
ys the department followed its usual practice of asking both Actors=92 Equi=
ty and Work and Income to comment on the request to allow the actors into t=
he country. He says the union opposed the request but Work and Income suppo=
rted it. The matter then went to the Associate Immigration Minister, Kate W=
ilkinson, who approved it. While the department followed its usual practice=
, Radio New Zealand=92s political editor says, apparently the union did not=
get access to the information it normally gets. It couldn=92t be sure loca=
l actors were being given an equal opportunity to audition for all 75 speak=
ing parts, and that apparently is why it opposed the request. <br>
<a href=3D"" target=3D"_blank">
/2djg7sq</a><br><br><b>The Sun reports Dwarf Training to begin in January</=
b><br>The Sun is reporting that James Nesbitt is about to embark on a month=
of dwarf training: He said: =93We=92re going for dwarf training for a mont=
h. It=92s an adventure and I can=92t wait for it. I=92ve never done a massi=
ve film like it.=94 The Northern Irish actor will move across the globe wit=
h wife Sonia and their two daughters. James, who stars alongside The Office=
=92s Martin Freeman =96 who plays the title role, added: =93It=92s a once i=
n a lifetime thing. Not just for me but for the family.=94<br>
<a href=3D"" target=3D"_blank">
/23nknzm</a><br><br><b>MGM Restructure Complete, Roger Birnbaum And Gary Ba=
rber Take Reins With $500 Million To Spend</b><br>LOS ANGELES, CA, December=
20, 2010 =96 Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Inc. (=93MGM=94) today announced that the=
company=92s restructuring has become effective, with exit financing of $50=
0 million in place. The company=92s =93pre-packaged=94 plan of reorganizati=
on (the =93Plan=94) was confirmed on December 2, 2010, by the U.S. Bankrupt=
cy Court for the Southern District of New York. =93MGM is emerging from one=
of the most challenging periods of its storied history. We are honored and=
inspired at the opportunity of leading one of Hollywood=92s most iconic st=
udios into its next generation of unforgettable filmmaking, global televisi=
on production and distribution, and aggressively pursuing, developing and e=
xploiting new digital entertainment platforms,=94 said Gary Barber and Roge=
r Birnbaum, Co-Chairmen and Chief Executive Officers of MGM.<br>
<a href=3D"" target=3D"_blank">
/2auyypa</a><br><br><b>WB Games Updates War in the North Website</b><br>The=
folks from WB Games have let us know that has been updat=
ed. From the website: As you=92ve probably already noticed, we=92ve updated= to better reflect the distinct visual style of War in th=
e North. The new homepage makes it easier to see what=92s new, whether it=
=92s the latest trailer, community video, or additional info about the char=
acters, enemies, locations, or features in the game. A new community tab hi=
ghlights a member of community, shows the latest Facebook updates, and prov=
ides quick access to our forums. Most importantly, we=92re looking to make =
sure that the site is updated regularly. 2011 is going to be full of exciti=
ng news about the game that we can=92t wait to share with you, and you=92ll=
find it all here on<br>
<a href=3D"" target=3D"_blank">
/257qzwl</a><br><div class=3D"gmail_quote"><div class=3D"gmail_quote"><div =
class=3D"gmail_quote"><div style=3D"text-align: center;"><font size=3D"4"><=
a href=3D"" target=3D"_blank">Join us =
on Facebook</a> - <a href=3D"" target=3D"_b=
lank">Twitter</a> - <a href=3D"" targ=
</font></div><br>Sincerely,<br><br>Michael Regina<br>Editor in Chief - TheO=<br><br><a href=3D"" target=
=3D"_blank"></a><br><a href=3D"" target=3D"_blank"><=
<a href=3D"
7" target=3D"_blank">
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