[Lotr_announce] TheOneRing.net Newsletter 7/9/00

Xoanon Xoanon@theonering.net
Thu, 07 Sep 2000 11:48:38 -0400

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http://theonering.net  Newsletter

V1 #58

Thursday September 7, 2000

Here it is the weekly newsletter! Enjoy..

Rings Roundup (Top headlines of major interest)

Noble IS Denethor! Harry from AICN is reporting that
Aussie actor John Noble will play Denethor, Dunedain
lord of Gondor, and father to Boromir and Faramir. [More]

TheOneRing.net goes to WorldCon: Balin and Corvar
attended WorldCon this past Saturday, You can check it
out in Barliman's [More]

Media Watch: Swedish Movie Magazine: Ringer Spy
Eowyn sends in an article from a swedish movie mag,
and translated it for us as well! [More]

Hikers spot film crew activity: A nice note came in from
some hikers who'd just come off the Heaphy Track, down
in Golden Bay, last week. [More]

Arrowtown Ford Pics: No riding Nazgul pics here or
anything, but the great folks at the Arrowtown Promotion
Association sent along some pics from the Ford at
Arrowtown, thanks folks! [More]

Media Watch: Total Film Magazine: Ringer Spy DCMZ
sends in a great article from 'Total Film' Magazine. [More]

Minas Tirith Set Pics! Ringer Spy Painty sends in some
great, if grainy, pics from the Minas Tirith set. Built right
on the same set as Helms Deep, at the Hayward Hills set
in Upper Hutt. [More]

Scouring of the Site (Breakdown of our various sections)

Gaming Havens is keeping all you gamers up to date on
the latest RPG/Fantasy/Sci-Fi games out there. Check it
out daily for gaming news.

Green Books celebrates its first year with tons of new stuff and a
fabulously difficult Brain Bender contest!  See if you know enough about

Tolkien to be the Grand Prize winner.  Then go 'Out on a Limb' with
Quickbeam's magic list of "Tolkien's Greatest Hits."  Anwyn debates the
adaptation of LOTR in her new 'Counterpoint'-- and the mighty Turgon
us "How NOT to Study Tolkien" on his 'Bookshelf.'  After enjoying the
new 'Questions & Answers' and 'Moon Letters' make sure you remember our
Birthday Pressssent, my precious!

The Official Peter Jackson Fanclub (TBHL) is always a fun
place to snoop around and learn more of the man behind the
movie. We care currently re working our members packages!
Sign-up to receive great gifts! Are you a bastard yet?

Palantir Premonitions (What's to come)

Hall of Fire for September 9th and 10th

Attention Hall of Fire folks! Here's the next topic:

A Day with a Tolkien Character

If you could spend one day with any Tolkien character who
would it be and why? Would you hang with Haldir and learn
how to make Elvish ropes? Or maybe you'd go digging with
Dain, galloping with Gandalf, or forging with Feanor.

>From the Silmarillion to the Return of the King, all characters
included. Would you visit the Maggots for some mushrooms,
or stay by Elrond's side for a spell? Trapse with hobbits? Slink
with Gollum? Guide with Aragorn? Ok... you get the picture ;)

Come one come all! And send in any future topics or suggestions here.

Saturday Chat: 5:30 p.m. EDT [10:30 GMT]
Sunday Chat: 6:00 p.m. GMT [1:00 EDT]
Place: #thehalloffire on theonering.net server; Come to our chatroom
Barliman's and then type /join #thehalloffire.

See anything you want to add to the site? Have any
suggestions as to chat guests, content items, or just want to
say hi? Drop us a line at theonering@theonering.net, do you
want to speak with a specific person? just type in their handle
(i.e. Jincey = jincey@theonering.net).

That's all for now, keep clicking, have fun and keep sending in
those letters! I love to hear from you!

Xoanon & TheOneRing.net Team

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http://theonering.net  Newsletter

V1 #58

Thursday September 7, 2000

Here it is the weekly newsletter! Enjoy..

Rings Roundup (Top headlines of major interest)

Noble IS Denethor! Harry from AICN is reporting that
Aussie actor John Noble will play Denethor, Dunedain
lord of Gondor, and father to Boromir and Faramir. [More]

TheOneRing.net goes to WorldCon: Balin and Corvar
attended WorldCon this past Saturday, You can check it
out in Barliman's [More]

Media Watch: Swedish Movie Magazine: Ringer Spy
Eowyn sends in an article from a swedish movie mag,
and translated it for us as well! [More]

Hikers spot film crew activity: A nice note came in from
some hikers who'd just come off the Heaphy Track, down
in Golden Bay, last week. [More]

Arrowtown Ford Pics: No riding Nazgul pics here or
anything, but the great folks at the Arrowtown Promotion
Association sent along some pics from the Ford at
Arrowtown, thanks folks! [More]

Media Watch: Total Film Magazine: Ringer Spy DCMZ
sends in a great article from 'Total Film' Magazine. [More]

Minas Tirith Set Pics! Ringer Spy Painty sends in some
great, if grainy, pics from the Minas Tirith set. Built right
on the same set as Helms Deep, at the Hayward Hills set
in Upper Hutt. [More]

Scouring of the Site (Breakdown of our various sections)

Gaming Havens is keeping all you gamers up to date on
the latest RPG/Fantasy/Sci-Fi games out there. Check it
out daily for gaming news.

Green Books celebrates its first year with tons of new stuff and a
fabulously difficult Brain Bender contest!  See if you know enough about
Tolkien to be the Grand Prize winner.  Then go 'Out on a Limb' with
Quickbeam's magic list of "Tolkien's Greatest Hits."  Anwyn debates the film
adaptation of LOTR in her new 'Counterpoint'-- and the mighty Turgon teaches
us "How NOT to Study Tolkien" on his 'Bookshelf.'  After enjoying the many
new 'Questions & Answers' and 'Moon Letters' make sure you remember our
Birthday Pressssent, my precious!

The Official Peter Jackson Fanclub (TBHL) is always a fun
place to snoop around and learn more of the man behind the
movie. We care currently re working our members packages!
Sign-up to receive great gifts! Are you a bastard yet?

Palantir Premonitions (What's to come)

Hall of Fire for September 9th and 10th

Attention Hall of Fire folks! Here's the next topic:

A Day with a Tolkien Character

If you could spend one day with any Tolkien character who
would it be and why? Would you hang with Haldir and learn
how to make Elvish ropes? Or maybe you'd go digging with
Dain, galloping with Gandalf, or forging with Feanor.

From the Silmarillion to the Return of the King, all characters
included. Would you visit the Maggots for some mushrooms,
or stay by Elrond's side for a spell? Trapse with hobbits? Slink
with Gollum? Guide with Aragorn? Ok... you get the picture ;)

Come one come all! And send in any future topics or suggestions here.

Saturday Chat: 5:30 p.m. EDT [10:30 GMT]
Sunday Chat: 6:00 p.m. GMT [1:00 EDT]
Place: #thehalloffire on theonering.net server; Come to our chatroom
Barliman's and then type /join #thehalloffire.

See anything you want to add to the site? Have any
suggestions as to chat guests, content items, or just want to
say hi? Drop us a line at theonering@theonering.net, do you
want to speak with a specific person? just type in their handle
(i.e. Jincey = jincey@theonering.net).

That's all for now, keep clicking, have fun and keep sending in
those letters! I love to hear from you!

Xoanon & TheOneRing.net Team
http://theonering.net --------------E2E2C6BD95B4589B922EA279--