--------------6560D2496B14847B9F0EB765 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit http://theonering.net Newsletter V1 #43 Thursday May 18, 2000 Here it is the weekly newsletter! Enjoy.. Rings Roundup (Top headlines of major interest) The Mirror of Galadriel 1: Super Ringer Spy Galadriel gives us even more info on all of the latest on a Lord of the Rings set! Aragorn and Gandalf, Helms Deep and Ents! We're finally hearing news on the Ents!! (Spoilers) [More] CASTING: Ugluk and Hama! Want to know more about the latest folks to join the LOTR cast? [More] New LOTR Set Pic! Ringer Spy NB sends in a great looking new set pic from the region around Mount Potts! It's amazing! (Spoiler) [More] 20 Qs with Dungeonmaster Gary Gygax: Super Ringer Hobbit Gamgee has put together a wonderful opportunity for fans of Gary Gygax and his wonderful work. We'll have a chance to ask the ultimate dungeonmaster twenty questions. Click here for more info. [More] Shadowfax and Other Horses: Tehanu takes a moment to show us the wonderful horses that will be used in the upcoming movies. Check out the full story in our NZ Exclusives section. [More] The Mirror of Galadriel 2: Gandalf fighting Uruk Hai, The Paths of the Dead, stuntmen galore, and best of all, sushi! Read it all in The Mirror of Galadriel! (Spoilers) [More] Scouring of the Site (Breakdown of our various sections) Gaming Havens is keeping all you gamers up to date on the latest RPG/Fantasy/Sci-Fi games out there. Check it out daily for news. At last, our leafy Quickbeam has a new feature! Go "Out on a Limb" and learn why Tolkien fans are the most NUTS of all... Anwyn's new "Counterpoint" feature is smart and compelling. We also have 16 *brand new* Questions & Answers; and many new pieces of Fan Fiction in "Moon Letters." After you've seen that amazing online preview, come to Green Books and dig a little deeper into Tolkien's world. The Official Peter Jackson Fanclub (TBHL) is always a fun place to snoop around and learn more of the man behind the movie. We care currently re working our members packages! Sign-up to receive great gifts! Are you a bastard yet? Palantir Premonitions (What's to come) Hall of Fire Chat The Hall of Fire is ready with a new topic for Saturday, May 20, at 5:30 EDT [-5 hours GMT]. Bring your Director's Chair with you this time, as we take a look at a beloved Tolkien book through the eyes of the movies. The Silmarillion on Film Imagine you win the challenge of creating The Silmarillion on film. Like Jackson's effort on The Lord of the Rings, the task would be enormous and daunting to say the least. Uncountable questions would need answers, like: who would you cast as the characters? Which characters and events would you cut out? How would you approach the project? We'll also play around with general Silmarillion film questions, like what scenes we'd love to see on the big screen, how the creation of Arda would be portrayed, and what places would make great locations. Read up and bring along your text for this one! SPECIAL LIVE NET EVENT REPORT!!! Margaret Weis, Don Perrin, and Chris Pierson at Barliman's We invited Margaret Weis and she brought two friends along! We had a crowd of over 60 and it was a great chat. Check out the log in our events section. [Log] On behalf of TheOneRing.net and all the guests at Barliman's tonight, our sincerest thanks to our wonderful visitors. Come back and see us! See anything you want to add to the site? Have any suggestions as to chat guests, content items, or just want to say hi? Drop us a line at theonering@theonering.net, do you want to speak with a specific person? just type in their handle (i.e. Jincey = jincey@theonering.net). That's all for now, keep clicking, have fun and keep sending in those letters! I love to hear from you! Xoanon & TheOneRing.net Team http://theonering.net --------------6560D2496B14847B9F0EB765 Content-Type: text/html; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit <!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd html 4.0 transitional//en"> http://theonering.net NewsletterV1 #43
Thursday May 18, 2000
Here it is the weekly newsletter! Enjoy..
Rings Roundup (Top headlines of major interest)
The Mirror of Galadriel 1: Super Ringer Spy Galadriel
gives us even more info on all of the latest on a Lord of
the Rings set! Aragorn and Gandalf, Helms Deep and Ents!
We're finally hearing news on the Ents!! (Spoilers) [More]CASTING: Ugluk and Hama! Want to know more about
the latest folks to join the LOTR cast? [More]New LOTR Set Pic! Ringer Spy NB sends in a great
looking new set pic from the region around Mount Potts!
It's amazing! (Spoiler) [More]20 Qs with Dungeonmaster Gary Gygax: Super Ringer
Hobbit Gamgee has put together a wonderful opportunity
for fans of Gary Gygax and his wonderful work. We'll
have a chance to ask the ultimate dungeonmaster twenty
questions. Click here for more info. [More]Shadowfax and Other Horses: Tehanu takes a moment to
show us the wonderful horses that will be used in the
upcoming movies. Check out the full story in our NZ
Exclusives section. [More]The Mirror of Galadriel 2: Gandalf fighting Uruk Hai,
The Paths of the Dead, stuntmen galore, and best of all,
sushi! Read it all in The Mirror of Galadriel! (Spoilers)
[More]Scouring of the Site (Breakdown of our various sections)
Gaming Havens is keeping all you gamers up to date on
the latest RPG/Fantasy/Sci-Fi games out there. Check it
out daily for news.At last, our leafy Quickbeam has a new feature! Go "Out on
a Limb" and learn why Tolkien fans are the most NUTS of
all... Anwyn's new "Counterpoint" feature is smart and
compelling. We also have 16 *brand new* Questions &
Answers; and many new pieces of Fan Fiction in "Moon
Letters." After you've seen that amazing online preview,
come to Green Books and dig a little deeper into Tolkien's
world.The Official Peter Jackson Fanclub (TBHL) is always a fun
place to snoop around and learn more of the man behind the
movie. We care currently re working our members packages!
Sign-up to receive great gifts! Are you a bastard yet?Palantir Premonitions (What's to come)
Hall of Fire Chat
The Hall of Fire is ready with a new topic for Saturday,
May 20, at 5:30 EDT [-5 hours GMT]. Bring your Director's
Chair with you this time, as we take a look at a beloved
Tolkien book through the eyes of the movies.The Silmarillion on Film
Imagine you win the challenge of creating The Silmarillion on
film. Like Jackson's effort on The Lord of the Rings, the task
would be enormous and daunting to say the least. Uncountable
questions would need answers, like: who would you cast as
the characters? Which characters and events would you cut out?
How would you approach the project?We'll also play around with general Silmarillion film questions,
like what scenes we'd love to see on the big screen, how the
creation of Arda would be portrayed, and what places would
make great locations. Read up and bring along your text for this
Margaret Weis, Don Perrin, and Chris Pierson at Barliman's
We invited Margaret Weis and she brought two friends along!
We had a crowd of over 60 and it was a great chat. Check out
the log in our events section. [Log]On behalf of TheOneRing.net and all the guests at Barliman's
tonight, our sincerest thanks to our wonderful visitors. Come
back and see us!See anything you want to add to the site? Have any
suggestions as to chat guests, content items, or just want to
say hi? Drop us a line at theonering@theonering.net, do you
want to speak with a specific person? just type in their handle
(i.e. Jincey = jincey@theonering.net).That's all for now, keep clicking, have fun and keep sending in
those letters! I love to hear from you!Xoanon & TheOneRing.net Team