[Barlibash] Re: [Staff] Barlibash 2007: Atlanta or Jersey Shore?

JPB jpb at theonering.net
Tue Aug 8 07:58:02 EDT 2006

I also vote for the Jersey Shore, but for a different reason.

Bash has always been in a major city. There is a certain sameness 
about the cities - yeah they each have somewhat different 
experiences, different things (in detail) to do - but there is a lot 
of things that are similar about them. Atlanta has some fantastic 
attractions - but it is a big city.

The Jersey Shore is something different. The beach towns are smaller, 
the boardwalk atmosphere is unique, it's just NOT a big city.

For that reason, I vote for the Jersey shore as well.

I'd actually (again) vote for Las Vegas - simply because it is 
incredibly cheap - usually you can get excursion flights out there, 
cheap rooms, eat at inexpensive buffets, see a good show, etc. But I 
know some people have a moral objection to "sin city" which I don't 
get -  since nothing forces you to either gamble or see sexually 
explicit shows, and if you avoid them, you are still getting an 
extremely inexpensive way to get together with people.

But between those two choices (sorry Jincey!) - it's the Jersey shore for me.

At 04:46 AM 8/8/2006, Calisuri wrote:
>I love 'hotlanta' but i'm never really financially stable enough to 
>attend these events, and I really want to. So if its a short drive 
>away for me, there is a much better chance of attending.
>I'll vote for Jersey
>Lisa Crouch wrote:
>>There's been some discussion of next year's Bash -- as there usually is on
>>the heels of the current one -- and there's some thought that maybe this
>>year it's time to go to the South.
>>You all know that I'm heavily in favor of Jersey Shore Bash, not because I
>>live here, but because it's convenient to fly to, close to New York's
>>airports, admittedly convenient for half-a-dozen staff members, and because
>>we've never done anything like it before.
>>That being said, in the interest of fairness, jincey would like us to
>>consider Atlanta, which also has a lot to recommend it. Namely because we've
>>never done the south before, but also for it's historical significance and
>>convenience (major airport hub).
>>So I put the question to you all, and ask simply for a either or answer:
>>Jersey Shore or Atlanta?
>>The majority voice wins.
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