[Barlibash] Discount tickets/comedy show

Adams, Julie Julie.Adams@joslin.harvard.edu
Thu, 29 Jul 2004 12:02:52 -0400

A couple of people have asked how they can pay me for tickets.  You have three options:

You may pay me in person at Bash.
You may trade me tickets for food and/or beer.
You may paypal to julie.adams@joslin.harvard.edu

Tentative list of comedy show goers:

Myself (Kallisti)
Bill (Corvar)
RM&Andi (my roommates)
Jincey (Jincey)
Johnny (SamGamgee7)
Greg (Balin)
Catharine (Catharine)
Nancy (Nenarëa) 
Nancy (Sirelle)  Do we really have two Nancy's, or am I confused?
Charlie (charliems)
Phil (Daisy)
Polly (Beruthiel)

I'm going to call the commedy connection tomorrow to make reservations and possibly get some additional info (do they usually sell out, do they sell at the door, can they reserve a block of seating for us, etc).

I don't have anybody thus far who definitely wants discounted tickets for the aquarium, the peabody-essex museum (salem), or walking tours.  Prices again on those:

Aquarium $8 (normally $16)
Peabody-Essex $9 (normally $12)
Walking Tours $7 (normally $10)

If you want them, tell me now, so I can go harass human resources.

MBTA 1-week passes  $16.50 (they are good from this Sunday until next Saturday only, so even though you will have to manage something else for Sunday (8/8) and Monday (8/9) , it's cheaper than spending $35 on a 7-day visitor pass):
