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"His heart was moved suddenly with a desire to see the house of Elrond Halfelven, and breathe the air of that deep valley where many of the Fair Folk still dwelt in peace."

"Frodo was now safe in the Last Homely House east of the Sea. That house was, as Bilbo had long ago reported, 'a perfect house, whether you like food or sleep or story-telling or singing, or just sitting and thinking best, or a pleasant mixture of them all.' Merely to be there was a cure for weariness, fear, and sadness."

"...along several passages and down many steps and out into a high garden above the steep bank of the river...Shadows had fallen in the valley below, but there was still a light on the face of the mountains far aboveÉThe sound of running and falling water was loud, and the evening was filled with a faint scent of trees and flowers..."

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