[Lotr_announce] TheOneRing.net Presents: 'Four Tanks and a Healer' Now Online

Michael Regina xoanon at theonering.net
Thu Oct 13 20:40:29 CDT 2011

Episode 1: "From the Beginning" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A47d3fjDNSQ

Episode 2: "Of Men And Noobs" online October 21st

"Four Tanks and a Healer" is a funny, two-part series created by
filmmaker Larry Longstreth ("The Long, Slow Death of a
Twenty-Something", "Batman's Gonna Get Shot in the Face") under the
watchful eye of "Lord of the Rings" executive producer, Mark Ordesky.
The pilot episodes were created in the hopes that they will one day
result in a full-fledged series.

Both Longstreth and Ordesky are nerds at heart - with Mark being a
closet tabletop Dungeons and Dragons veteran and Longstreth being a
fan of the genre's newer forms:  World of Warcraft and Lord of the
Rings Online.

"Four Tanks and a Healer" is an Adult Swim-style look at the lives
these people live, from the sole perspective of their in-game
characters.  Taking place entirely inside an online roleplaying video
game, the series follows a group of misfit gamers as they venture
across fantastic landscapes and epic quests, all from the comfort of
their real-life computer chairs.

At times funny and at times just plain pathetic, the show explores the
geeky underground culture of fantasy roleplaying - from the amazing
displays of imagination and wish fulfillment to the downside of having
to play alongside socially-inept elitists and basement-dwelling
cretins. The show's protagonists - Malcom the dwarf, Redbeerd the
dwarf, Nickelsack the gnome, PlzmePlz the human and LuvPrncess the
fairy princess, all serve as funny and insightful glimpses not only
into who their real-life counterparts are, but also into who they wish
they could be.  (For example, the sexy fairy princess of the group,
LuvPrncess, is actually a 50 year old man).

Written and directed by Larry Longstreth, produced by Mark Ordesky and
Marisa Zakaria, and animated by Jacob Drake, "Four Tanks and a Healer"
is at it's heart a satire, but it also pays homage to the fantasy geek
culture that many of us know and love.  More than anything, though, is
how it serves as a funny reminder of those times when we probably take
it all a little too far.

Episode 1 Synopsis

Malcom and the gang meet for the first time and begin to get a feel
for "the game" as they kill rats and learn how everything works.  When
they're told by some elitist gaming veterans that they'll have to
split up in order to find new companions and to build a more
well-balanced team, they see it as a challenge to prove otherwise.  In
a desperate attempt to stay together and a refusal to let other geeks
tell them how to play, the lopsided team of "Four Tanks and a Healer"
is born and the adventure begins.

Watch Exclusively on TheOneRing.net’s YouTube Channel

Additional info

Written by: Larry Longstreth
Directed by: Larry Longstreth, Jacob Drake
Starring:  Larry Longstreth, Aaron Longstreth, Vince Bruno, Marisa
Zakaria, Travis Fritz
Produced by: Mark Ordesky, Marisa Zakaria, Larry Longstreth
Animated by: Jacob Drake
Property of 4Reelz, LLC and Larry Longstreth

About Larry Longstreth
Up and coming filmmaker, Larry Longstreth, partnered with 4Reelz and
Mark Ordesky to develop ‘Four Tanks and a Healer’, fresh off the
national release of their independent film ‘The Long, Slow Death of a
Twenty-Something’. Longstreth (Eddy Spaghetti Productions) is the
writer, director, and creator of "Four Tanks and a Healer".
Longstreth's student/mentor relationship with Mark Ordesky is the
stuff most fanboys dream of. Together, the two have a number of
projects in the works - both live-action and animated - that all
revolve around both men's interest in all things "geek".

About 4Reelz
Established in 2009, 4Reelz just wanted to make people look and laugh
at life's everyday absurdities.  4Reelz is an independent production
company that develops comedic animated and acted television series and
theatrical motion pictures.  Located in Los Angeles, the heart of the
entertainment industry, 4Reelz is currently managed by Marisa Zakaria
and Jacob Drake.
Visit: www.4reelz.com

About TheOneRing.net
Founded in 1999 by a group of like-minded Tolkien fans so anxious for
the coming Peter Jackson Lord of the Rings films that they were
gathering up every scrap of production information to be found,
TheOneRing.net continues today in bringing fans the latest news on the
beloved figures involved in the making of the wildly popular Lord of
the Rings movies as well as the newest information available on
upcoming productions, Tolkien-centered events, new publications, and
fan gatherings.
Visit: www.TheOneRing.net


For Additional Inquiries Please Contact

Marisa Zakaria
4 Reelz, LLC
Los Angeles, CA  90041
marisazakaria at 4reelz.com


Michael Regina
Editor in Chief - TheOneRing.net
PH: 514.947.5221


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