[Lotr_announce] This Week on TheOneRing.net

Michael Regina xoanon at theonering.net
Fri Aug 19 11:42:47 CDT 2011

Hullo!! Take a look at the latest updates from TheOneRing.net and beyond!

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TORN TV: Lord of the Rings News for the Visual Age

Hobbit in 5 – Casting Call, John Rhys Davies, Dark Matters, Meet the Weta Crew

On this episode of Hobbit in 5, we tell you about the latest 3Foot7
casting call, Larry D. Curtis’s article for movies.com, John Rhys
Davies wants to be in The Hobbit, John Nobel is hosting a new bizarre
show, meet a crew member from Weta. We also plan a night at a Hobbit
house in Montana and experience a blizzard in New Zealand.


Watch Previous Episodes

The Lord Of The Rings Symphony Album Coming Soon
Howard Shore’s classic score for The Lord Of The Rings film trilogy is
being released on September 13th on Howe Records. Titled The Lord Of
The Rings Symphony: Six Movements for Orchestra & Chorus, the
double-album is a live recording of a concert in Lucerne Switzerland
in February of this year. Bavarian Radio will first broadcast the
album in its entirety on September 4, 2011.

TheOneRing.net Road-trip to DragonCon!
TheOneRing.net is planning a road trip to DragonCon 2011 in Atlanta
GA, and we are looking for a few financial sponsors to make it happen!
The plan is to leave Los Angeles on Aug 30th, shoot up to Salt Lake
City, and then direct non-stop (except for bathroom breaks) to
DragonCon! The best part is we’ll be LIVE the entire time on
Stickam.com, thanks to an amazing new piece of technology that should
keep us connected the entire trip. If you would like to sponsor our
efforts (gas, food, etc), please email us directly at
advertising at theonering.net. It is a great opportunity to get your
company out in front of a worldwide Tolkien audience, and participate
in a worldwide first – We believe this is the first time anyone has
streamed LIVE across the country!

Could John Rhys-Davies be Returning to Middle-earth?
Dave from HeyUGuys writes: I had a good old natter with John Rhys
Davies last week about a new movie and asked him about The Hobbit.
Sounds like he’s had a change in heart. By no means anything certain
but he’s basically asked PJ to put him in somewhere. Guess we’ll see
if he does!

Hobbiton Set Primed for Shoot Soon?
samdir discovered this little gem while on hobbitontours.com:
“Hobbiton Movie Set will be closed for all tours from Wednesday 05
October 2011 to Tuesday 08 November 2011 inclusive. We apologise for
any inconvenience caused.” Could this be a sign that the production is
heading to the Hobbiton set for a month worth of filming? Stay tuned!

Steve Hillard’s ‘Mirkwood’ Coming to a Screen Near You?
More Tolkien on the big screen? This might not be what you had in
mind, but… Remember Steve Hillard, the author of a controversial book
‘Mirkwood‘ which features JRR Tolkien as a fictional character? Well,
after a series of legal wranglings, his lawsuit was settled with the
Tolkien Estate, and  it looks like he has decided to adapt ‘Mirkwood‘
for the screen.

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