[Lotr_announce] TheOneRing.net Radio Show Welcomes Ted Nasmith this Sunday!

Michael Regina xoanon at theonering.net
Tue Mar 16 19:57:07 CDT 2010


TheOneRing.net Radio Show Welcomes Ted Nasmith this Sunday

We’re pleased to have internationally acclaimed artist Ted Nasmith on the
show this weekend! Tune into TheOneRing.net Radio Show on BlogTalkRadio at
2pm Eastern for your chance to chat with Ted and ask him questions about
anything from his love of LOTR, to his long history on the Tolkien calendar
and more! Be sure to check out our BlogTalkRadio page and set yourself a
reminder for this Sunday at 2pm!


About Ted Nasmith

Ted Nasmith is best known as an illustrator of J. R. R. Tolkien's works —
The Hobbit, The Lord of the Rings and The Silmarillion. 

In 1972, Nasmith mailed photographs of some of his paintings to J. R. R.
Tolkien. Tolkien responded by letter a few weeks later, both praising the
work and making the comment that the rendition of Bilbo Baggins seemed a
little too childlike. Still a teenager at the time, this early feedback from
Tolkien encouraged Nasmith to strive for a more literal interpretation of
Tolkien's works.

Nasmith is also considered a Tolkien scholar, well-read in ancient history,
religion, and other areas. He is a prominent member of several
Tolkien-related organizations (such as The Tolkien Society, the Mythopoeic
Society, and Mensa's Beyond Bree).

Nasmith is a musician, guitarist and tenor. Much of his musical work is
likewise inspired by Tolkien's writings. His first commercial album, The
Hidden Door: Songs in the Key of Enchantment, was released in 2007. He has
also worked on a musical project entitled Beren and Lúthien: A Song Cycle,
with his friend Alex Lewis, and has a close friendship with the founders of
The Tolkien Ensemble.

All the best,

Michael Regina
Editor in Chief - TheOneRing.net
PH: 514.947.5221
xoanon at theonering.net

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