[Lotr_announce] Matthew Goode Auditions For Bilbo Baggins

Michael Regina xoanon at theonering.net
Tue Feb 23 18:54:46 CST 2010


In an interview with the UK Daily Telegraph's John Preston, actor Matthew
Goode commented on some news that would be of great interest to those fans
following developments on The Hobbit.  Preston writes:

"Now he's a father, Goode doesn't even like travelling that much. But just
before we met, he'd auditioned for the role of Bilbo Baggins in Guillermo
del Toro's two-part film of The Hobbit. As he is the first to admit, he's
not an obvious choice - 'Look at the size of me for Christ's sake!' If he
got the part, he would, he says, find it almost impossible to refuse -
despite the fact that it would involve him spending several months in New


All the best,

Michael Regina
Editor in Chief - TheOneRing.net
PH: 514.947.5221
xoanon at theonering.net

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