[Lotr_announce] TheOneRing.net 10th Anniversary Bash

Michael Regina xoanon at theonering.net
Sat Apr 25 11:38:07 EDT 2009

TORn 10th Anniversary Bash!

April 26, 1999: the fateful day almost ten years ago that TheOneRing.net
domain came to be; the brainchild of four Tolkien fans (Xoanon, Tehanu,
Calisuri and Corvar) who had no idea how their little site, meant to give
fans periodic updates on the LOTR movies, would grow!

To celebrate, you're invited to join the TORn Message Boards this weekend
for a three-day bash in honor of the 10th Anniversary of TheOneRing.net.
Every message board, from Main to Off-topic, will have celebratory
activities: puzzles and quizzes, chances to reminisce about TORn, Tolkien
and the movies, and even a very special surprise or two. If you're not
already a member, sign up (link below). The festivities will kick off at
noon EST in our weekly Fiesta Friday socializing thread on the Off-topic
board and will continue throughout the weekend. Please join us!

Sign up: http://tinyurl.com/d7fobd
Off-topic Board: http://tinyurl.com/dybac4 

All the best,

Michael Regina
Editor in Chief - TheOneRing.net
PH: 514.947.5221
xoanon at theonering.net 

LOTR at Radio City Music Hall in NYC!
Radio City link: http://tinyurl.com/d86xtu 
Purchase tickets from Ticketmaster: http://tinyurl.com/cawdzy 

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