[Lotr_announce] TheOneRing.net Newsletter - April 2009

Michael Regina xoanon at theonering.net
Wed Apr 1 23:30:51 EDT 2009

TORN #375

April, 2009

Rings Roundup (Top headlines of major interest)

Howard Shore Talk Added to Royal Albert Hall Event
Eva writes: Fantastic news. Howard Shore is going to do a talk before the
Albert Hall Concert on Tuesday, April 14. I booked my ticket in October and
got this email on March 26: From the Newsletter - Thank you for booking your
tickets to the live UK premiere of 'The Lord of the Rings - The Fellowship
of the Ring' at the Royal Albert Hall on Tuesday 14 April 2009.

In related news Howard Shore will be at the Radio City Music Hall event this
fall in NYC. Watch FOTR with a 300 member orchestra and Howard shore!
Tickets Available at Radio City Music Hall
(http://www.radiocity.com/events/lord-of-the-rings-1009.html) and
Ticketmaster.com or call 1-800-745-3000!

Updated Kansas City Symphony News
the Kansas City Symphony & Chorus on a musical journey into the realm of
Middle Earth! Since its premiere in 2003, Howard Shore's The Lord of the
Rings Symphony has received standing ovations on four continents. The
musical experience is heightened with projected illustrations, storyboards
and more than 200 performers on stage. Tickets: $28-$88, plus all applicable
taxes and fees. Tickets available now through Ticketmaster.com or call

Announcing the 'Reclaiming the Blade' Giveaway!
TheOneRing.net is teaming up with Galatia Films to celebrate the DVD release
of 'Reclaiming the Blade' by giving away the 'Late 15th Century Bastard
Sword' from Albion Swords! A prize worth nearly $500! Entering the contest
is super easy - you don't even need to answer any questions! 'Reclaiming the
Blade' is narrated by John Rhys-Davies and features appearances by many LOTR
veterans: Viggo Mortensen, Karl Urban, Bob Anderson, John Howe and Richard
Taylor of WETA Workshop.

Legolas Premium Format Figure Coming to Sideshow!
Tomorrow at 10am PT, Sideshow Collectibles.com will launch their latest Lord
of the Rings Premium Format Figure - Legolas Greenleaf. According to their
website, the piece is based on Legolas as he appears in the Mines of Moria,
with the exclusive edition featuring an orc skull.

Fran Walsh Joins The Music of LOTR
Doug Adams had asked Fran Walsh to write a short foreword for his new book,
"The Music of the LOTR Films". Anything that she thought was appropriate:
musings on Tolkien and music, memories of working with Howard on the films.
anything, really. I trusted her implicitly.

Unconventional filmmaker reaches out to TORn community
Jessica Mae Stover is a force of nature. She is something like a hurricane
or a tornado; she is an unstoppable force fueled by her passion and her
vision and her belief. She is a revolutionary, an artist, a filmmaker and
she feels a strong kinship with TheOneRing.net, and the all-things-Tolkien
projects we exist to cover.

Weta News Mentions Cruise To Middle-Earth
The March 20th edition of the WETA Newsletter mentions TORN and our 'Cruise
to Middle-earth' vacation we posted about earlier in the year. Ringers on
the cruise stopped by the WETA Cave for a very special treat. From the
newsletter: "Our friends from T.O.R.N visit the Weta Cave - On a Cruise To
Middle-Earth, a large group of Tolkien fans from TheOneRing.Net came to
visit us.

Blu-ray LOTR News
Henning writes: I Just found something that might be interesting for the
news: According to thedigitalbits.com the LOTR Blu ray disk is going to be
released this December.

Lord of the Rings game rights now at Warner Bros.
It appears that Frodo is coming home. Not to the Shire, but to Warner Bros.
Though neither company said anything about it, New Line's licensing deal
with Electronic Arts for "Lord of the Rings" games expired at the end of
last year. Originally set to end in 2007, the two companies agreed on an
extension that March until the end of 2008 (the pact also included literary
rights holder Tolkien Enterprises).

Astin up for Hobbit if Hobbit up for him
Sean Astin told SCI FI Wire that he'd be thrilled to reprise his Lord of the
Rings film trilogy role as Sam Gamgee in the upcoming big-screen adaptations
of The Hobbit. However, because the Rings' beloved quartet of Hobbits don't
actually appear in The Hobbit, Astin doubts that he'll be asked to appear in
the films. Astin's comments run counter to those of his Rings co-star
Dominic Monaghan, who told MTV News in January that he believes that he,
Astin, Billy Boyd and Elijah Wood will play some role in the two Hobbit

Greg Lane: Orc of a Thousand Faces
Last week Tehanu had the privilege of spending an hour with Greg Lane, LOTR
stuntman, and hearing some stories about the four years he spent working on
the trilogy. Perhaps his most unforgettable role was as the "berserker orc"
who sprints towards the wall of Helm's Deep like a combination All Black and
Olympic torchbearer, diving to detonate Saruman's secret mine and blowing up
the wall. But, Lane appeared in many memorable scenes.

Palantir Visions (Things seen from beyond the front page)

TORn braves airwaves with bi-weekly segment on 'Fictional Frontiers'

TheOneRing.net will be providing a segment on this Sunday's broadcast of
'Fictional Frontiers with Sohaib,' on WNJC 1360 AM, Philadelphia at 11AM ET.

TORN Books:

The People's Guide to J.R.R. Tolkien

The People's Guide is written by five contributing writers of TheOneRing.net
-- the leading fan website devoted to Tolkien, his books, his lore, the New
Line Cinema movies, and the fan community that centers on Middle-earth.
TheOneRing.net has always been distinguished by the quality of the original
articles appearing on its Green Books and Tehanu's Notes pages. This book
adapts some of the most popular articles on the TheOneRing.net as well as
offering readers completely new articles that are not available online.

More People's Guide to J.R.R. Tolkien

Following last year's successful The People's Guide to J.R.R. Tolkien, this
volume continues in the best tradition of Green Books and Tehanu's Notes to
explore the words and worlds of J.R.R. Tolkien through essays, Q&A from
readers, and interviews with special guests.

The Tolkien Fan's Medieval Reader, edited by Turgon

Over the years Tolkien's fondness for and indebtedness to medieval
literature has often been mentioned. His special devotion to older Germanic
literature, including Beowulf and the Eddas, has long been known, for as a
professor he taught these works in addition to teaching the languages in
which they were written. This anthology has been compiled in the hope of
sharing the pleasures of these -- and other -- classics of medieval
literature that were part of Tolkien's professional life and inspirations to
him in his creative work.

Ongoing EXCLUSIVES from "Ringers: Lord of the Fans"

Ringers: Lord of the Fans is a feature-length documentary that reveals the
ongoing cultural phenomenon created by The Lord of the Rings. Very funny and
often moving, Ringers shows the hidden power behind Tolkien's books -- and
how after 50 years a single literary work continues to spark the minds and
hearts of millions.


TheOneRing.net is happy to announce we are finally 'selling' our own ad
space on all pages of TheOneRing.net. If you are interested in reaching the
largest audience of Tolkien fans online, visit our advertising page. No
campaign is too short and no business is too small to advertise.

Do YOU Have Any Cool Contest Ideas?

We're always looking for interesting contests to have fun with all the LOTR
goodies we get everyday. Do you want to submit your ideas and see them come
to life?! Send along any ideas to gamgee at theonering.net and who knows!
You may just win a prize from a contest you invented!

Scouring of the Site (Breakdown of our various sections)

-The Official Peter Jackson Fanclub (TBHL)- The Lord of the Rings Director's
very own fanclub! Stop on by to learn more about the man, the myth, the
beard. If you are a Peter Jackson fan, then 'TBHL' is the place for you!
GOTO: http://tbhl.theonering.net/index.shtml

-Shop.theonering.net- is THE place to find all your Tolkien items available
online! From Tolkien cards to weekly ebay items, you should keep clicking on
over to our shop section for all your Tolkien needs!
GOTO: http://www.theonering.net/torwp/category/merchandise/

That's all for now, keep clicking, have fun and keep sending in those
letters! We love to hear from you!

See anything you want to add to the site? Have any suggestions as to chat
guests, content items, or just want to say hi? Drop us a line at theonering
at theonering.net, do you want to speak with a specific person? just type in
their handle (i.e. Jincey = jincey at theonering.net).

Michael Regina
Editor in Chief   
PH: 514.947.5221

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