[Lotr_announce] Movies.com Awards!

Michael Regina xoanon at theonering.net
Thu Sep 14 12:36:23 EDT 2006

This is a real honour for me and my team, 'The First Annual Movies.com
Reader's Poll' has nominated both TheOneRing.net and Kongisking.net as one
of the best 'Unofficial Movie Sites' of the year.

Both sites are run by my team at The One Ring Inc., I am the editor in chief
of both sites, and couldn't be more thrilled. TheOneRing.net (TORN) has been
a labour of love for more than 7 years. It was initially setup to follow the
movie production of Peter Jackson's 'Lord of the Rings' films. It has since
morphed into a community phenomenon with thousands of fans logging in for
their daily dose of Tolkien.

All our years of work on TORN did not go unnoticed, Peter Jackson asked us
to work on a website for his next film, King Kong, that is how
KongisKing.net evolved. It featured one of the first 'video diaries' for a
big budget film to be posted online. This has now been copied and imitated
throughout the industry, but we did it first!

Head on over to the movies.com poll site and be sure to vote for either of
us to win! The results will be posted online soon!

Vote for TheOneRing.net or KongisKing.net!

Michael Regina
Editor in Chief/Segment Producer
PH: 514.947.5221
http://www.TheOneRing.net <http://www.theonering.net/>
http://www.KongisKing.net <http://www.kongisking.net/>

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