[Lotr_announce] URGENT CALL TO FANS! Make the RINGERS Party Happen!

Michael Regina (Xoanon) xoanon at theonering.net
Sat Oct 15 23:45:46 EDT 2005

Greetings -- Quickbeam here.

Are you interested in attending a premiere screening and charity event for
RINGERS in Los Angeles? If so write to: info at planetbb.com. ONLY YOU can help
us convince SONY that the fans should have a wonderful premiere party for
RINGERS: LORD OF THE FANS before it comes out on DVD November 22!!
[http://www.sonypictures.com/ringers] We are sending out this EMERGENCY call
to action for Southern California Tolkien fans -- because YOU showing
interest in the event will help make it our break it! The movie you've heard
so much about, our award-winning documentary RINGERS: LORD OF THE FANS,
needs your help! If you guys respond over the weekend by writing to us, and
tell your local friends to join in, we might succeed in creating another
party of special magnificence!

WHAT: RINGERS is trying to put together a big premiere party (it will also
be a charity fund-raiser, the select charity is TBD)

WHO: YOU and the creative team behind RINGERS

WHERE: In a major theater in metropolitan Los Angeles

WHEN: Thur., November 17, 2005, in the later afternoon/early evening

WHY: We need to see that we have enough interest from fans in order to hold
the event.

WILL ANY LOTR STARS ATTEND?: We have invited them but none have confirmed.

WHAT KIND OF PARTY? WHAT IS INCLUDED?: The details are still being ironed
out -- but you will be the last audience to EVER see the film RINGERS in
full glory in a movie theatre before its home video release. This will be a
red-carpet premiere of the film followed by a catered party sure to please
the hobbity appetite in all of us. There will be food, drink, and merriment!
Details TBD.

TICKET PRICE?: This will be a charity fund-raiser! Therefore these tickets
will be in the Oscar party range.


SONY will not confirm this event unless you write us an email, stating you
have an interest and how many tickets you would like. WE MUST GET EVERYONE
TO WRITE US BY END OF DAY MONDAY, OCT. 17 or this will not happen!

This email is NOT a ticket purchase.

This email is NOT a confirmation that you will buy your ticket.

This email is just to tabulate possible interest.


You need only tell us how many tickets you are certain could be purchased
for your groups' attendance.

Thanks so much for all your continued support!

Watch the front page of TheOneRing.net and we will update you as we move

Michael Regina
Editor in Chief/Segment Producer
PH: 514.947.5221

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