[Lotr_announce] The Ruse is up! LET THE HOBBIT HAPPEN!

Michael Regina (Xoanon) xoanon@theonering.net
Fri, 2 Apr 2004 15:39:49 -0500

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Okay, okay. So we played an April Fools on you twice yesterday...but it was
fun! And it was for a good cause. You see, while the 'fake' press release
yesterday was a surprise to many, we all deep down want The Hobbit to
Happen! (No offense Paul Anderson, we really want Peter Jackson to do it
though!) Thus, we are starting the 'LET THE HOBBIT HAPPEN' letter-writing
campaign. In the coming weeks and months we are going to make sure that New
Line Cinema and MGM/UA hear the roar of Tolkien fandom! Follow the link for
details. (And for all you Tolkien site webmasters, please join us in this
effort! Details on the page.)


Please visit www.goodsforgeeks.com let the geek in you come out to play

Michael Regina (Xoanon)   Editor in Chief/Segment Producer
xoanon@theonering.net     http://www.TheOneRing.net
PH: 514.947.5221
ICQ: 32063161