[Lotr_announce] TheOneRing.net Newsletter (04/09/02) Oscar Party 2003 News!!

Michael Regina (Xoanon) xoanon@theonering.net
Tue, 3 Sep 2002 23:22:29 -0400



TORN #142

Wednesday September 4th, 2002

Here it is, the weekly newsletter! Enjoy!

Rings Roundup (Top headlines of major interest)

All DRAGON CON All The Time
Missed all the DCON news from this weekend? Calisuri, Corvar, Tehanu, Jincey
and all TORN staffers have been posting daily reports on all the goodies a
day before the con opened to late after it closed..take a look!

Red Carpet's "TTT Premiere Tour" is posted!
There it is posted on their website - the outline for the LOTR fan tour of
New Zealand which will coincide with the premiere and release of TTT in
Wellington. There's been a lot of interest in this one, not surprisingly.

Live In Copenhagen? Wanna Meet Richard Taylor?
On Saturday 30th November & Sunday 1st December 2002 we launch a gigantic
Lord of the Rings event in Copenhagen Denmark: The Scandinavian Lord of the
Rings Fair.

GAMING: Universal's LOTR Game Trailer!
Universal Interactive's LOTR Game trailer has arrived! Packed with plenty of
game play action and video bytes from game designers to the folks at Tolkien
Enterprises and our very own Quickbeam! Take a look here!

LOTR:TTT Running Time 163 Minutes?
Erik emailed us saying that IMDb.com is listing a running time of 163
minutes for The Two Towers, something that would contradict with a story we
ran a few weeks ago about TTT's running time being 3 hours and 14 minutes.
Now it could be that PJ had to cut half an hour of film to get below the
three hours, but I doubt it so I guess IMDb.com is being a bit hasty with
their presumptions. As always if someone happens to know more about this;
drop us a line!

New TTT Pics!
EmpireMovies.com has posted three awesome new pictures from the Lord of the
Rings: The Two Towers! Take a look at Frodo and Sam in Ithilien, an amazing
shot of Isengard and the Riders of Rohan !!spoilers!!

Q & A With Douglas Anderson
The folks at Houghton Mifflin Books have sent us this great Q&A session with
'The Annotated Hobbit' author Douglas Anderson, take a look!

Palantir Visions (Things seen from beyond the front page)

Coming Soon:

- Tuesday September 10th Jay Laga'aia (Ugluk) birthday
- Thursday September 12th Ian Holm (Bilbo) Birthday

!!!!One Party to Rule Them All 2003!!!!

We recently made a very special announcement exclusively at DragonCon 2002.
TheOneRing.net will once again be hosting the 'One Party to Rule Them All'
on March 23rd (Oscar Night) in Hollywood, CA. The party will prove to be two
times more fun and exciting then the last. Stay tuned for further details!


The time has arrived! You can purchase the 208 minute version of Fellowship
of the Ring! Choose from either the standard 4 disc set, or the super cool
Collector's Edition Gift Set, which features figures from Sideshow/Weta and
an expanded National Geographic DVD.

ps - All of these links will allow for a percentage of your purchase to be
contributed to TheOneRing.net. So thanks ahead of time!


TheOneRing.net is happy to announce we are finally 'selling' our own ad
space on all pages of TheOneRing.net. If you are interested in reaching the
largest audience of Tolkien fans online, visit our advertising page. No
campaign is too short and no business is too small to advertise.

Do YOU Have Any Cool Contest Ideas?

We're always looking for interesting contests to have fun with all the LOTR
goodies we get everyday. Do you want to submit your ideas and see them come
to life?! Send along any ideas to gamgee@theonering.net and who knows! You
may just win a prize from a contest you invented!

Scouring of the Site (Breakdown of our various sections)

-Barlimans- is more than a place to get your mead! There is the Fun Section,
Regulars Map and Photo Gallery, and of course the gateway to our ever famous
MIRC Chatroom!
GOTO: http://theonering.net/barlimans/index.html

-Gaming Havens- is keeping all you gamers up to date on the latest
RPG/Fantasy/Sci-Fi games out there. Check it out daily for gaming news.
GOTO: http://haven.theonering.net/index.shtml

-The Official Peter Jackson Fanclub (TBHL)- The Lord of the Rings Director's
very own fanclub! Stop on by to learn more about the man, the myth, the
bastard. If you are a Peter Jackson fan, then 'The Bastards Have Landed' is
the place for you!
GOTO: http://tbhl.theonering.net/index.shtml

How time flies!! -Green Books- proudly marks its third year on
TheOneRing.net with a special Anniversary Edition. Go Out on a Limb and read
the full story of how I "Found a Hobbit’s Voice" -- providing the character
voice of Sam for the video game! Anwyn thinks that The Two Towers will be
TWICE the movie that Fellowship was. Turgon returns with a remarkably huge
"Roundup of Recent and Forthcoming Books by and about J.R.R.T." over on his
Bookshelf including titles through Fall 2002. Tookish has more delicious
Ticklers with top-10 lists, jokes, slap-happy FILKS and more. What madness
awaits you! Moon Letters offers many new and splendid Fan poetry and
creative writings. Questions & Answers has great new stuff! We truly love
bringing this magazine to you.... So on behalf of the entire Green Books
Staff, I say "THANK YOU" to the many readers around the world who have made
these three years such an outrageous success!
GOTO: http://greenbooks.theonering.net/index.shtml

-The Tolkien community- never looked so good! Come and check out our listing
of 11 subsites hosted by TheOneRing.net! We've got everything from Rolozo
Tolkien, with almost EVERY Middle-earth image ever created, to our FX
section, devoted to the magic of motion picture special effects. As well as
a host of foreign language sites!
GOTO: http://fan.theonering.net/sites/index.html

-Our Tolkien Fan- section is just for you! From the site design to all the
stories and text is designed by you the fans of Tolkien and TheOneRing.net!
GOTO: http://fan.theonering.net/index.shtml

-Shop.theonering.net- is THE place to find all your Tolkien items available
online! From Tolkien cards to weekly ebay items, you should keep clicking on
over to our shop section for all your Tolkien needs!
GOTO: http://shop.theonering.net/index.shtml

That's all for now, keep clicking, have fun and keep sending in those
letters! We love to hear from you!

See anything you want to add to the site? Have any suggestions as to chat
guests, content items, or just want to say hi? Drop us a line at
theonering@theonering.net, do you want to speak with a specific person? just
type in their handle (i.e. Jincey = jincey@theonering.net).

Michael Regina (Xoanon)   Editor in Chief/Segment Producer
xoanon@theonering.net     http://www.TheOneRing.net
PH: 514.947.5221
ICQ: 32063161