[Lotr_announce] Pre-Order Extended 'LORD OF THE RINGS' DVD NOW!

Michael Regina (Xoanon) xoanon@theonering.net
Fri, 7 Jun 2002 13:04:47 -0400

The time has arrived! You can now pre-order the 208 minute version of
Fellowship of the Ring! Choose from either the standard 4 disc set, or the
super cool Collector's Edition Gift Set, which features figures from
Sideshow/Weta and an expanded National Geographic DVD.

Extended Version of The Fellowship of the Ring DVD

(NOTE: This is the 4 DVD's alone. NOT the gift set. For the gift set, see

Here's your chance to be one of the first people to own the extended version
of Peter Jackson's stunning, Academy Award-winning The Lord of the Rings:
The Fellowship on the Ring on DVD! This wide-screen DVD will ship on
November 12th, and includes 30 minutes of additional footage, new music by
Howard Shore, and much more.

Purchase this version:
Region 1:
LOTRShop.com [http://www.qksrv.net/click-1073973-8784289]

Region 2:
Blackstar.co.uk [http://www.blackstar.co.uk/video/item/7000000071162]

Special Gift Set of Extended Version of The Fellowship of the Ring DVD

Here's your chance to be one of the first people to own the special gift box
extended version of Peter Jackson's stunning, Academy Award-winning The Lord
of the Rings: The Fellowship on the Ring on DVD! This wide-screen DVD will
ship on November 12th, and includes 30 minutes of additional footage, new
music by Howard Shore, and much more. Special gift box exclusives include a
new version of the National Geographic DVD on the making of The Fellowship
of the Rings, two Pillars of Argonath figures from Sideshow Weta
Collectibles, and special trading cards

Purchase this version:

Region 1:
LOTRShop.com (Purchase here and get 2 free LOTR pins with your order):

Region 2:
Blackstar.co.uk [http://www.blackstar.co.uk/video/item/7000000071165]

Michael Regina (Xoanon)   Editor in Chief/Segment Producer
xoanon@theonering.net     http://www.TheOneRing.net
PH: 514.947.5221
ICQ: 32063161