[Lotr_announce] TheOneRing.net Newsletter (06/09/01)
Michael Regina (Xoanon)
Thu, 6 Sep 2001 22:33:16 -0400
TORN #96
Thursday September 6, 2001
Here it is, the weekly newsletter! Enjoy!
Rings Roundup (Top headlines of major interest)
CANNES Footage Review
This review comes by way of an insider somwhere in the world of corporate
suits and meetings New Line has with people all over the globe...and she/he
is a HUGE Tolkien fan! So enjoy! Be WARNED it's FILLED with Spoilers!
Let me tell you, the trading card game was a blast. I'm not a big CCG
player, I didn't know the rules when I started, and I was a bit sleep
deprived when we sat down to play, but I loved every minute of it...
Media Watch: Wired Magazine
Here is a great Wired Magazine article, check it out for a pic of the one
and only Tehanu!! And a few sound bytes from yours truly!
Film Changes Confirmed
Ringer Spy Mjshep takes a good look at the new LOTR Calendar...and lo and
behold we have some plot details uncovered! Check them out! !Spoilers!
Ringer Spy PT sends along word that perhaps a NEW LOTR:FOTR trailer will be
hitting the theatres soon! Read on: Mews from the insider at (*Snip*), he
calls to tell me the information for the September/August release of films
has passed his desk and attatched as an appendix was a trailer listing. Low
and behold Lord of the Rings is listed as Theatrical trailer.
Birthday Party Planned for the 22nd?
From: Queen Of Rohan ...the coolest thing was a packet that they sent for a
Hobbit day party (sept. 22)! They are trying to get stores to participate in
throwing a Hobbit party.
Yet MORE Stills
Ringer Spy Morgoth1970 sends along yet some more new stills from LOTR: FOTR.
Check these out! Highlight to read! Pippin in Moria, Lurtz attacking the Orc
Overseer, and a rather scary looking fellow! !Spoilers!
More New Stills
Ringer Spy Morgoth1970 comes through again with some great pics! Sam, Merry
and Pippin by a campfire, Bilbo's Birthday party, and what is apparently a
scene from Weathertop! Check them out! !Spoilers!
The Two Wizards...Together!
This is great, really gets me pumped to see these two great actors together
in a scene...Ian McKellen (Gandalf) and Christopher Lee (Saruman) together
in one pic! Take a look!! Thanks to Morgoth1970 for sending this in.
Mackenzie IS Elendil? Rhodes IS Maggot?
The Internet Movie Database has a few new names on it's LOTR Cast page. They
say that young Taea Hartwell (The Frighteners) will play a child Hobbit,
Peter Mackenzie (The In Crowd, Chill Factor) is set to play Elendil. I've
also been getting news that Cameron Rhodes (Dark Knight [TV]) will play
Farmer Maggot and not Ian Mune as previously thought...
2 Hours with Barrie Osborne!
We got this fantastic report from Ringer Spy Healer2B, whose class in
Auckland was visited by LOTR producer Barrie Osborne. For anyone wanting to
know a little about one of the big names behind the LOTR films, read on!
Scouring of the Site (Breakdown of our various sections)
Barlimans is more than a place to get your mead! There is the Fun Section,
Regulars Map and Photo Gallery, and of course the gateway to our ever famous
MIRC Chatroom!
GOTO: http://theonering.net/barlimans/index.html
Gaming Havens is keeping all you gamers up to date on the latest
RPG/Fantasy/Sci-Fi games out there. Check it out daily for gaming news.
GOTO: http://haven.theonering.net/index.shtml
The Official Peter Jackson Fanclub (TBHL) The Lord of the Rings Director's
very own fanclub! Stop on by to learn more about the man, the myth, the
bastard. If you are a Peter Jackson fan, then 'The Bastards Have Landed' is
the place for you!
GOTO: http://tbhl.theonering.net/index.shtml
You know the old adage: Good Things Come to Those Who Wait. Check out the
huge August additions to Green Books: Turgon's Bookshelf has a great guide
to "Tolkien Publications Roundup-Fall 2001 and Beyond." Anwyn's
Counterpoint blows the heralding trumpet, "Tolkien Geeks, Unite!" Our
Special Guest takes on the ever-burning issue, "Every Time a Bell Rings a
Balrog Gets Its Wings?" I go Out on a Limb to assess the damage of the
recent "San Diego Comic-Con Wrap & Review." More Tributes from the fantastic
Terry Pratchett and Douglas A. Anderson from Meditations on Middle-earth.
Tookish's Ticklers keeps rolling with comics, jokes, and parodies. Yowza! A
rich bounty of 23 new Q&A, Great Fan Fiction in Moon Letters Green Books
continues to be the most diverse and dynamic online Tolkien magazine on the
web. Come explore the WORDS and WORLDS of Tolkien!
GOTO: http://greenbooks.theonering.net/index.shtml
The Tolkien community never looked so good! Come and check out our listing
of 11 subsites hosted by TheOneRing.net! We've got everything from Rolozo
Tolkien, with almost EVERY Middle-earth image ever created, to our FX
section, devoted to the magic of motion picture special effects. As well as
a host of foreign language sites!
GOTO: http://fan.theonering.net/sites/index.html
Our Tolkien Fan section is just for you! From the site design to all the
stories and text is designed by you the fans of Tolkien and TheOneRing.net!
GOTO: http://fan.theonering.net/index.shtml
Shop.theonering.net is THE place to find all your Tolkien items available
online! From Tolkien cards to weekly ebay items, you should keep clicking on
over to our shop section for all your Tolkien needs!
GOTO: http://shop.theonering.net/index.shtml
Palantir Visions (Things seen from beyond the front page)
Hall of Fire Chats for September 8th and 9th
As the clock ticks down and the number of days until the Fellowship of the
Ring dwindle more and more (two years really flew by), solid information on
the ins and outs of the Fellowship is hitting the Internet thic and fast. If
you blink, you'll easily miss a fantastic image or tantalising piece of
info. This weekend, the Hall of Fire takes a break from our Chapter
discussions to discuss the Latest News and Rumours from the Fellowship of
the Ring.
[GOTO: http://www.theonering.net/barlimans/index.html]
(Middle-earth, August 27, 2001) TheOneRing.net®, the premiere Lord of the
rings website, adds another dimension to providing news and information from
the land of Middle-earth and beyond with TORN Digital, an internet/video
show produced by Orphmedia®, a company on the cutting edge of internet media
and broadcasting.
We Like to Party!!!
Talking of premieres and celebrations, TORN would like to see Tolkien
fanshave their own 'Fellowship' bash on the 19th, right here in New Zealand.
It should be a big glamour event, given that we've got a chance to have the
first public screenings in the world (it's the dateline thing acting in our
favour!) Ideas, suggestions, and expressions of interest to
tehanu@theonering.net. We need to get an idea of numbers. Meanwhile, watch
this space.
That's all for now, keep clicking, have fun and keep sending in those
letters! We love to hear from you!
See anything you want to add to the site? Have any suggestions as to chat
guests, content items, or just want to say hi? Drop us a line at
theonering@theonering.net, do you want to speak with a specific person? just
type in their handle (i.e. Jincey = jincey@theonering.net).
Michael Regina
Xoanon - Editor in Chief
http://theonering.net - 514.947.5221
JOB HUNT (HIRE ME!): http://theonering.net/staff/xoanon/michael_regina.html
ICQ: 32063161
TORN DIGITAL: http://www.theonering.net/digital/