Mon, 27 Aug 2001 08:57:18 -0400
August 27, 2001
Michael Regina
Editor in Chief
Peter R. Orphanos
President and CEO
Orphmedia®, LLC
(Middle-earth, August 27, 2001) TheOneRing.net®, the premiere Lord of the
rings website, adds another dimension to providing news and information from
the land of Middle-earth and beyond with TORN Digital
(http://www.theonering.net/digital/), an internet/video show produced by
Orphmedia®, a company on the cutting edge of internet media and
TORN Digital will provide you with a behind-the -scenes look at special Lord
of the Rings events and conventions, give you special access to the people
behind anything and everything to do with Lord of the Rings, from books to
gaming to the movies themselves, TORN Digital is your all-access pass, right
from your desktop!
With teams on both sides of the US coast, TORN Digital can bring you up to
date on all things Lord of the Rings as it happens.
TheOneRing.net® (TORN) was originally forged by the combined vision of the
four founding members in May of 1999. During the preceding months, an
interest in Tolkien's work and the Lord of the Rings movies conspired to
bring Chris Pirrotta (Calisuri), Michael Regina (Xoanon), Erica Challis
(Tehanu), and William Thomas (Corvar) together to create TORN. The diverse
backgrounds and locations of the founding members contribute heavily in what
TORN has become.
Since May of 1999, TORN has become something that was scarcely imagined at
its inception. With 40 volunteer staff members living in more than 10
countries and readers from over 150 countries, TORN must be thought of as a
culmination of worldwide Tolkien fandom and can no longer be attributed
solely to the efforts of the founding members.
TORN truly lives up to its slogan, "Forged by and for the Fans of J.R.R.
Tolkien". TORN does this by providing a place for Tolkien fans to come
together, discover the latest happenings in the world of Tolkien, and
discuss those happenings.
Orphmedia® is a convergence media production company specializing in the
creating, capturing and delivering of video to websites on the internet,
while maintaining a steady hand in the film, corporate and television
medium. Having had experience with major television networks, feature films,
corporate videos, music videos and commercials gives Orphmedia® a better
understanding of what they produce for the New Media market. This helps them
to insure that their clients are getting exactly what they pay for and not a
video that will not be able to be shown on the television of the future.
If you take a typical Hollywood production company like Imagine
Entertainment that is known for having a powerhouse director like Ron Howard
(The Grinch Who Stole Christmas) and combine it with a production house like
Propoganda Films (Commercials and Music Videos) then you have Orphmedia®. It
may be a smaller company, but in this day and age of media savvy
corporations the only thing that needs to be guaranteed is a solid usable
product for years to come from the company you hire. This is why Orphmedia®
believe their company is successful in getting the right clients who want to
have broadcast quality video with a professional looking image on and off
the internet.
Goto: http://www.theonering.net/digital/
Michael Regina
Xoanon - Editor in Chief
http://theonering.net - 514.947.5221
JOB HUNT (HIRE ME!): http://theonering.net/staff/xoanon/michael_regina.html
ICQ: 32063161