[Barlibash] Barlibash 2007: Atlanta or Jersey Shore?

MECHELLE ROGERS alquawen at optonline.net
Sun Aug 13 12:14:25 EDT 2006

Well, Po's convinced me, I am casting my vote for Jersey shore. And as for a
"day trip" to NYC, it's definitely doable, with train time to fill with
TORn-type bonding. (Is the LOTR stage play headed to Broadway anytime
soon???) We could even do a memorial trip to Ground Zero, former site of
those "other" Two Towers.


-----Original Message-----
From: barlibash-bounces+alquawen=optonline.net at theonering.net
[mailto:barlibash-bounces+alquawen=optonline.net at theonering.net] On Behalf
Of Po Evans
Sent: Saturday, August 12, 2006 9:44 PM
To: maegwen at theonering.net; Barlibash at theonering.net
Subject: RE: [Barlibash] Barlibash 2007: Atlanta or Jersey Shore?

Yes, it's me.  Just because I now live in Orlando (now that's a place for a 
Bash, and enuf fussing about the heat.  It's HOT everywhere during the 
summer, that's why God created Air Conditioning.  And besides, Elf and I 
have tons and tons of Universal tickets to spare and we get nauseating deals

at the on-site- Hard Rock anyone?- hotels)....

Jersey Shore is "Home" to me, so who said you can't go home again.  After 
nearly .... let's see, 1968 to 1998, about 30 years living on the Jersey 
shore (yup, i'm dat old), I vote for the Jersey Shore.  And for those who 
are concerned about the sweltering heat, not on the Ocean, baby!

The breezes off the water lower the temperative by several degrees..... and 
if you don't like the salt water, there's the hotel pool.  The surf is 
pretty good so you can boogie board or surf with little effort.  I'm not 
sure where Lisa is thinking about but having been on just about every beach 
on the shore, there are several really beautiful locations... and the 
furtherest one away is only about 40 minutes from Atlantic City - always a 
blast - now that's a town that never sleeps.

If Lisa is thinking about south of Seaside Heights resorts, the state 
forests (Bass, Wharton, and I think the renamed Lebonan Forests) are a short

hop away.  There's canoes, hiking, did someone mention marshmallows?  Unlike

some of the other Bashes, this Bash will be about "US" because other than 
Great Adventure (Six Flags); there really aren't too many "attractions." 
(Someone is sure to argue about that one.)  New York, Philadelphia, and even

Baltimore is not very far away if anyone wants to make that hike.  If you 
are worried about transportion to those cities, Amtrak.  So this Bash will 
about us and getting to know each other... how about a LOTR marathon 

It's been about 6 years so I may be out of touch on some other sightseeing 
areas; we can all look at the concrete pad that is overgrown with weeds 
where the Hindenburg went down....  There are some amazing out of the way 
restaurants near Barnegat Lighthouse that will turn the staunchest red meat 
eaters in seafood lovers for less that $20.  Smithville is a quaint little 
Revolutionary Era town with some beautiful homemade crafts.  And if Lisa is 
going as far as Cape May, omigosh, be prepared to recharge your batteries, 
it's so peaceful and relaxing.... well, it would be until TheSixthWalker 

I am learning to love Atlanta as well, but since Elf and I have put 
DragonCon on our annual to-do list; I'm going to enjoy visiting Atlanta one 
DCon at a time.  Jersey Shore is home, and I'm a sentimental slob.... so 
this Jersey Girl would love to come home for a Bash.


>From: maegwen <maegwen at theonering.net>
>Reply-To: maegwen at theonering.net
>To: Barlibash at theonering.net
>Subject: [Barlibash] Barlibash 2007: Atlanta or Jersey Shore?
>Date: Tue, 08 Aug 2006 01:20:15 -0400
>There's been some discussion of next year's Bash -- as there usually is on
>the heels of the current one -- and there's some thought that maybe this
>year it's time to go to the South.
>You all know that I'm heavily in favor of Jersey Shore Bash, not because I
>live here, but because it's convenient to fly to, close to New York's
>airports, admittedly convenient for half-a-dozen staff members, and because
>we've never done anything like it before.
>That being said, in the interest of fairness, jincey would like us to
>consider Atlanta, which also has a lot to recommend it. Namely because 
>never done the south before, but also for its historical significance and
>convenience (major airport hub).
>So I put the question to you all, and ask simply for a either or answer:
>Jersey Shore or Atlanta?
>The majority voice wins.
>Barlibash mailing list
>Barlibash at theonering.net

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