[Barlibash] One last thing -- Please Read

daisy daisy at theonering.net
Thu Aug 3 06:55:15 EDT 2006


I do hope you get to San Fran this weekend!  Since we are forced to miss 
Barlibash this year, I was hoping to live vicariously through you!  
Everyone's going to have a wonderful time.

Jersey Shore!  That has potential!


maegwen wrote:
> Barlibashers,
> Some of you may already know, but for those of you who have not yet heard,
> there is a very good chance that I will not be in attendance at Barlibash
> this year. 
> My financial situation is such that I couldn't afford the original ten-day
> trip I had planned to San Francisco, and I was forced to cancel. At this
> time I'm still hoping to catch a flight out to the Bay on Friday morning, if
> the airfare gods smile upon me. 
> In the meantime, while I may not be physically there, I am on top of the
> situation. Elenya/Wendy will be keeping an eye on arrivals and make sure
> that everyone we're expecting arrives and isn't lost, wandering around the
> city. She and Umbar are staying at the Hotel Rex and can be reached at (406)
> 697-8343.
> When you all meet up tomorrow night in the hotel bar, Wendy will pass out
> sheets listing the cell phone numbers for Bash attendees so we can all keep
> track of each other. She also has all the information concerning the Friday
> and Saturday night dinners, that I've provided her.
> Should anyone encounter any problems with the hotel, please call me
> immediately at 201 694-4133. 
> Should I not make it this year, I hope that each and everyone one of you
> have a FANTASTIC time, and we'll meet again in 2007 at... The Jersey Shore!
> Love,
> maegwen
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